Tarik: Entry Level Warfare

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Book: Tarik: Entry Level Warfare by K. A. Kerr Read Free Book Online
Authors: K. A. Kerr
make assumptions.
    “What’s my goal?” Tarik asked.
    “You're off to a good start. Your goal is to capture and hold each objective, especially those with the highest priority.”
    “Which objectives have the highest priority?”
    The scenario changed, the orbs changed to a numbered values the highest being fifteen.
    “Do the objectives need to be captured in a specific order?”
    “Is the terrain static?”
    “What type of weapons does the enemy have?”
    “The exact same  that your forces have.”
    Tarik considered the battlefield. It seemed simple enough. All he had to do was use his overwhelming force  to engage the enemy on one side. His forces would start on the left and sweep right, weakening the enemy via attrition. Tarik placed his forces to do just that and was about to hit the begin scenario button when a thought occurred to him.
    “What else do I need to know?” He asked Lamb.
    Lamb smiled wide. “The right questions make all the difference. The enemy is expecting reinforcements; their numbers will grow to four times their current count.”
    “So my plan won't work?”
    “No, you would have failed. Knowing what you do now do you still attack?”
    “No, I would request additional forces.”
    “Rules number  one and two in action. Go ahead and hit the begin button just to watch what would have happened.”
    Tarik hit the button and instead of the scenario playing out on the small display in front of him the range came alive. Numbered flags took their spots representing the objectives. Trenches formed around them with the defending forces standing by weapons ready. Tarik's forces charged from the left side taking the first three objectives with ease. Tarik's forces continued their push to the fourth objective when the defending reinforcements arrived. His attackers were still trying to follow the plan and push further when they met the superior force . Tarik's attackers lasted only moments before they were all defeated.
    “Say you didn't ask what else and you executed your plan or if I didn't know about the reinforcement. Could you have saved those people?” Lamb asked.
    “I would have ordered a retreat.”
    “When those defenders were reinforced.”
    “Lesson three, always have a contingency plan and trigger to implement that plan. Setup your contingency plan and trigger now then rerun the battle.”
    Tarik did as he was told. The two forces reset to their starting numbers and positions. Tarik's attackers pushed forward to their fourth objective when the reinforcements arrived. The attackers fell back to the safety of the starting point. Tarik still lost two attackers but he managed to save the rest.
    “That's enough for today. I will update your log with new training  times shortly. Finish your duties.” Lamb said and walked back into the shadows.
    Tarik left to clean another bathroom before his torturous session with Goddess was set to begin. Cleaning the bathrooms should have been a chore but Tarik actually liked the quiet time to himself. The scrubbing and mopping were just simple repetitive tasks which could have been automated, he guessed that it was another sort of hazing. Tarik let his mind drift, he thought about the mob of Gorrex that wanted him dead, the thought about the fight yesterday, he thought about Goddess and her beautiful body, and finally he thought about Daze and the way she smiled at him. A timer  went off alerting him that he needed to leave for his next training  session.
    Tarik walked into the large room with the pools. Goddess was standing tall in the center  walkway waiting for him. He pushed his fantasies from his mind; he just wanted to get the punishment over. He walked to meet her, careful not to get too close. Goddess said nothing; she just turned and ran off. Tarik ran after her, they followed the same path as last time. As Tarik crested the first incline he was careful to watch out for an attack, when none came he

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