in the Pacific. I am issuing orders to the militia to move those of you on the coast further inland until the coast is safe from potential tsunamis. Do not hesitate and do not resist following the militia inland. This is all I have to say for now. I wish peace and blessings on you. Goodnight.”
Administrator Li walked away from the podium and the camera switched to the in-studio anchor, who said, “As you know, China wanted to harvest this asteroid, but those plans went out the window. In spite of our reporters’ best efforts to find out precisely how the astronauts up and vanished without a trace, the best guess we can come up with is that they were also abducted by the Centurion aliens. If that’s true, China should’ve conducted a more thorough background check on these two haters. Could it be the two purposely directed the asteroid towards Earth so it could cause massive damage? We’ll never know for sure.
“According to Mr. Li’s office, due to limited resources, the Chinese were limited in what they could do when it came to trying to stop the asteroid from being pulled in by Earth’s gravity. Rumors have it that the current head of the space agency may be held responsible for this impending disaster, and when he is, we’ll let you know about it first on this network. We’ll also interrupt scheduled programming once the asteroid breaches our atmosphere and it plunges into the Pacific. Here’s a simulation from our computer that shows the projected path of the asteroid,”
A graphic came on screen showing the asteroid’s projected path. The computer doing the projection showed the asteroid possibly hitting Hawaii directly, and projected the possible collateral damage to the rest of the Pacific Ocean, the surrounding islands, and the mainland’s of Asia and North America. The possible damage to North America would only add to the destruction caused by the earthquakes and volcanoes, but would definitely destroy more life west of North America. Another graphic displayed possible economic problems and a projection of the deaths caused by the asteroid’s impact.
“As you can see, the asteroid’s collateral damage will be a big hit to the economies and populations of at least two regions, three if North America hadn’t been devastated by their own natural disaster from a few months ago. Stay tuned to this UETN station and we’ll bring you more news as it comes. We wish peace and blessings on you and yours.”
When the asteroid hit the atmosphere, everyone in North America and in northeastern Asia could see it. The asteroid turned into a fireball and a sound unlike anything anyone’s ever heard before rumbled through the sky as the asteroid hit the sound barrier. UETN utilized drones to follow the asteroid on its downward plunge, which was now projected to hit directly on Midway Island. Drones recorded the frantic reactions of the residents of Hawaii and other islands in the Pacific as the asteroid hit the water and caused massive waves to wash over the islands of the Pacific, killing millions of people as walls of water hit them.
The effects of the asteroid hitting the Pacific were also shown by the many drones tasked with recording the event. The asteroid being massive enough to also touch the seafloor sent shockwaves through the crust, activating more fault lines, causing many volcanoes along the Ring of Fire to activate. As ocean water flooded over Japan, Mount Fuji erupted. In the Philippines, Mount Pinatubo erupted once again as ocean water destroyed half the island. All ocean going vessels in the Pacific were destroyed and sinking, while all marine life surrounding the most devastated areas of the ocean died, causing vast tracts of the Pacific to be red with blood. Remains of human civilization also floated in the Pacific, with millions of bodies floating in the water alongside destroyed remains of buildings. The scene looked eerily similar to the tsunami that hit Japan and its Fukushima Nuclear