The Italian Affair

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Book: The Italian Affair by Loren Teague Read Free Book Online
Authors: Loren Teague
placed the photograph back on the bench. ‘Things were a bit rough for her especially since she’s got two young sons. Luckily, my parents rallied around.’
    ‘Hmm … I guess that figures being Italian. There’s nothing like family, is there?’ She took another bite of bread, and swallowed. Her thoughts were never far away from her own sister. ‘So where’s your mother? I thought she might have been here.’
    ‘She’s out.’ He glanced at the clock on the wall. ‘But she’ll be back any minute. She has a cleaning job at a local motel. My father’s not too keen on her doing it, but she’s got a mind of her own.’
    ‘You agree with him?’
    Rick finished his mouthful as he leaned back. ‘Yeah, I do. I’d say she’s got enough to do around here as it is.’
    ‘You don’t approve of a woman working outside the home?’ Gina asked testily.
    ‘I didn’t say that – but I certainly wouldn’t approve if my wife had children. I’m not into putting kids into childcare. If you have kids, you look after them.’
    ‘The Italian macho male,’ she said mockingly.
    ‘Maybe,’ he answered seriously, ‘but when you think about it, it’s just down-to-earth common sense.’
    Just then, his cell phone rang. He answered it. ‘Caruso.’ The conversation was brief. ‘Twenty minutes,’ he said, flipping his phone closed. He looked at Gina. ‘We have to call back to the station and see Dave Brougham. He wants to talk to you.’
    ‘OK.’ Gina’s stomach lurched. More questions.
    The door opened and Rick’s mother walked in. When she saw the two of them sitting there, her eyes shone bright with interest. ‘Rick, you’re home now. We weren’t expecting you.’
    ‘Just a quick visit,’ he explained. ‘We were passing, so we stopped in for a quick bite to eat.’ Rick got up immediately, put his arm around his mother and gave her a quick hug. As they drew apart, heintroduced Gina.
    ‘It’s nice to meet you,’ said Mrs Caruso, with a warm smile.
    Gina took in the woman in front of her. She was attractive with fine features, in her early sixties with grey peppered hair. Her figure was full giving her a homely look.
    ‘I hope Rick put plenty of food on the table,’ she added.
    ‘Thank you. He did. I couldn’t eat another morsel if I tried.’
    Rick lifted the dishes into the sink. ‘It’s time we were on our way. Sorry, but I’ll have to skip the washing-up this time. We’ve got an appointment to keep.’
    His mother turned to Gina, her hands on rounded hips. ‘Hmm, excuses. Now isn’t that just like a man? Leave the dishes for the woman to do.’
    Gina rose to her feet. ‘Surely our appointment can wait. Perhaps I can help you, Mrs Caruso. It won’t take long to wash these.’
    ‘Gina, we need to get going,’ reminded Rick.
    Rick’s mother smiled. ‘Thank you for the offer, but it really is OK.’ She turned to face Rick ‘You’ll have to bring Gina back again sometime. Perhaps for a meal.’
    ‘Maybe.’ His tone was dismissive inferring he wouldn’t be bringing her back any time soon.
    Gina ignored his rudeness. ‘I’d love to come back, Mrs Caruso, whether Rick brings me or not.’
    Surprise crossed Rick’s face, but he didn’t say anything. He opened the door, and then turned to his mother. ‘ Ciao .’
    They had only gone a few yards down the concrete path when Gina squinted her eyes in the bright glare of the sun and said, ‘Oh, I’ve left my sunglasses on the kitchen table. I’ll just run back and get them.’ She hurried back up the worn path until she reached the kitchen door.
    When she went inside, she found Rick’s mother humming softly to herself, her hands already in the sink. ‘I just forgot these,’ said Gina, and reached out for her sunglasses lying on the table. She slipped them on.
    Mrs Caruso turned and dried her hands on a towel. She smiled at Gina, her brown eyes sympathetic. ‘I’m sorry about your sister; it’s an awful tragedy. Please, if there is

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