Invisible Terror Collection

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Book: Invisible Terror Collection by Bill Myers Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bill Myers
Tags: Christian fiction
was covered with flies.” Susan nodded, still looking at the pages. “Hmmm, there are some conditions. The armor of God is not just some flowery phrase. There are very specific pieces of protection that we need to put on before going into battle.”
    “Like what?” Ryan asked.
    Susan found her place and continued reading: “’Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.’”
    “Man! That’s a lot,” Ryan said.
           “And prayer,” Susan continued, reading: “ ‘Pray in the Spirit on all occasions.’”
    “Okay,” Becka said, “let’s go down the list just to make sure.
    We’ve got our sword.” She pointed to Susan’s Bible. “I’m learning to believe in the Bible, more so than ever. What’s the ‘helmet of salvation’?”
    “The knowledge of your salvation through Christ. When you know you’re secure in him, that stops Satan from playing with your head, from fooling you into thinking you’re not saved so you don’t think you have power.”
    “Got that,” Becka said. “I know I’m saved.”
    “And if we aren’t?” Ryan asked, clearing his throat and shift-ing a little uncomfortably.
    Susan looked at him. “It’s your choice, Ryan, but I wouldn’t wait too long with all that’s coming down.” Ryan nodded. “I hear you.”
    “What else is in that armor?” Becka asked.
    “The shield of faith.”
    “Faith, I’ve got that.”
    “Shoes to spread the gospel.” Susan looked up. “You’re ready to tell people about Jesus, aren’t you?”
    “I can vouch for her on that,” Ryan chuckled. Becka grinned back at him.
    “That just leaves two things. The belt of truth — you’re not lying or deceiving anybody?”
    Becka shook her head.
    “And finally the breastplate of God’s approval.”
    “Meaning you’re being as righ teous as you can … and if you mess up, you’re asking Jesus to forgive you.” Ryan chuckled again. “Beck and her brother are the squeakiest-clean kids I know.”
    “You don’t have to be perfect,” Susan corrected. “You just have to be certain you’re trying to be, and that you ask Jesus to forgive you.”
    Becka started to nod, then caught herself.
    Susan was the first to notice. “What’s up, Becka?”
    “It’s just … I mean, playing a practical joke on somebody, that’s not like sinning, is it?”
    Susan smiled. “I think God has a sense of humor. Just as long as nobody’s getting hurt or it isn’t done out of anger.”
    Both heads turned to Becka. She took a breath. “Scotty, he’s been playing this elaborate joke on the Ascension Lady, getting her to shave off her hair and stuff.”
    Ryan started to laugh. “That was Scotty’s doing?” Becka nodded, then turned to Susan. “Is that a problem?”
    “It’s pretty funny,” Susan agreed, nodding, “but it’s pretty mean too.”
    “He was looking for a way to get even, to get some kind of revenge for all the stuff she’s done to us.” A frown crossed Susan’s forehead. “Revenge?”
    “So he hasn’t forgiven her.”
    “No way.”
    “Is that a problem?” Ryan asked.
    “Unforgiveness? Yeah, Ryan, that’s a big problem. The Bible says we have to forgive, that seeking revenge is wrong.” Susan turned back to Becka. “I don’t suppose he’s asked God to forgive him?” Becka shook her head. “I doubt it. I think he’s having too much fun.”
    Susan took off her glasses and rubbed her eyes. “I think we’ve found it — the missing piece in his armor.” She stopped, then quickly looked back to Becka. “He’s not going to that séance, is he?”
    “He knows

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