Star Reporter

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Book: Star Reporter by Tamsyn Murray Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tamsyn Murray
least one of them has really bad taste in clothes and the last thing I wanted to wear to the ball was a dress with a skirt the size of the moon.
    Shenice gave up trying to suck a chunk of frozen strawberry through her straw and picked up a spoon. “I’ve seen the pictures. Don’t worry, it’s not pink. Or frilly.”
    â€œNah, it’s not really my style at all,” Molly said. “You might like it, though.”
    There was no way I was committing to wearing something I hadn’t seen, no matter how much Shenice bigged it up, so we finished our shake and headed to Molly’s. We walked slowly, talking about the ball and ways to bring the wow to the dance floor, but I couldn’t help noticing that Molly grew quieter and quieter, especially when WOLF BRETHREN were mentioned. Eventually, I stopped walking and grabbed her arm.
    â€œOkay, Molly, what’s up?”
    â€œNothing,” she mumbled, shaking off my hand and carrying on along the road. “I wish the band was how it used to be, that’s all.”
    I pursed my lips, thinking back to the rehearsal I’d heard thumping through the garage wall the night before. “They sound pretty good, or as good as CAT FLAPPED ever sounds. I’m hoping Anjel will do something about their lyrics.”
    Scowling, she kicked at a stone lying on the floor. “Stupid Anjel and her rubbish playing.”
    I saw Shenice widen her eyes. “That’s not really fair—”
    Molly rounded on her. “No, I’ll tell you what’s not fair. It’s not fair that Max has quit the band. It’s not fair that Anjel is ruining everything – you’ve seen JUICE ON JUDE’S. It says WOLF BRETHREN are having ARTISTIC DIFFERENCES and everyone knows that means girl trouble.” Her lower lip wobbled alarmingly. “And most of all, it’s not fair that Liam doesn’t remember who I am any more!”
    If we weren’t careful, she was going to launch a full-scale Molly strop.
    â€œOf course he knows who you are,” I soothed. “How could he forget you after everything you’ve done for them? And if it helps, I don’t think he’s exactly over the moon with all the stuff that’s been on JOJ.”
    She sniffed and looked hopeful. “Really? Then there’s nothing going on between them?”
    The warning signs couldn’t have been more obvious if they’d danced up and down the road shouting “Ooh, look at me!” – Molly’s crush was reaching epidemic levels. I put on my most reassuring smile. “I’m pretty sure they’re just band mates.”
    I thought back to what Nathan had said to me at the weekend and frowned uneasily. “Maybe we should stop believing everything we see on JUICE ON JUDE’S, anyway.”
    â€œHmm,” Molly said, apparently unconvinced. “See what you can find out from him tonight.”
    What else could I do? Exchanging a helpless look with Shenice, I nodded.
    Molly folded her arms in satisfaction. “And drop my name into the conversation, in case he really has forgotten who I am.”
    Oh yeah. She’s got it bad.
    O to the M to gobsmacking G, Molly’s bridesmaid’s dress is perfect. It is sky blue, with silver sequinned straps and a shimmery blue gauzy layer which reaches all the way down to my ankles. It must have been one of her younger aunties who got married because it is so gorgeous I can’t even describe it properly. Mum’s face went all gooey when I modelled it at home and Dad looked like he was going to burst with pride. Liam, on the other hand, told me I looked like the runner-up in a MISS UGLY beauty pageant. Have I mentioned how much I hate him?
    Mum left Dad in charge of the twins and followed me up to my room. I thought she was going to tell me to tidy it up – little does she know I am treating the floor as my floordrobe to hide the fact that I accidentally

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