Voices From Beyond (A Ghost Finders Novel)

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Book: Voices From Beyond (A Ghost Finders Novel) by Simon R. Green Read Free Book Online
Authors: Simon R. Green
to anyone else.”
    “Maybe that’s what They wanted,” said JC. “For you to become head of the Carnacki Institute. The right person, in the right place.”
    “I don’t think They think that small,” said Catherine Latimer. “And besides, I’m still waiting to find out what the price will be. There’s always a price to be paid, for every gift. And the greater the gift, the greater the price.”
    She set off again, striding briskly along, and JC and Kim had to hurry to catch up with her. Kim was careful to walk in the space between JC and Catherine, so the people coming and going all around them wouldn’t bump into her unknowing, and walk right through her. She hated that. It made her feel . . . unreal. Occasionally, someone would walk right at them, clearly intending to walk through the apparent open space between JC and Catherine; but somehow they always stopped, at the last moment, and decided to walk around them instead. Even though it was clear from the look on their faces that they had no idea why. Kim carefully linked her insubstantial arm through JC’s, so they could at least seem to be walking arm in arm. JC kept his arm carefully crooked, so that she could, and pretended not to notice Kim was walking an inch or so above the ground.
    The people passing by still didn’t pay JC or Catherine much attention. They had no idea that very important matters were being discussed, right in their midst. JC looked at all the happy, shiny people, in their happy, normal world; and almost envied them. Almost. JC liked knowing things other people didn’t know, even if most of the things he knew weren’t particularly nice, or comforting. And he definitely liked being able to Do Something about the things he knew. And, of course, if he hadn’t been a Ghost Finder . . . he would never have met Kim. The one and only true love of his life. Now and again, he peered over the top of his sunglasses, concentrating on seeing the park and its visitors through his golden eyes; but he couldn’t detect anyone or anything threatening. Or even out of place. He said as much to Catherine, and she nodded briskly.
    “I know. People have no idea what’s really going on; and they’re better off that way. It’s our job to keep them in happy ignorance of all the things that threaten them, so they at least can sleep soundly at night.”
    “But maybe, if we trusted them . . .” said JC, “they could learn to defend themselves?”
    “Look at them,” said Catherine. “Do any of them look like they could cope with that kind of knowledge? With knowing that their world is nothing but a fragile thing, under constant assault by forces beyond human comprehension? Do you really think they could stand the extensive training it would take before they could even hope to fight back successfully? No. They’re better off not knowing. We carry the burden, so they don’t have to.”
    The three of them walked on a while, in silence. Catherine stared straight ahead, while JC kept a watchful eye on anyone who got too close, or even looked like they might. And Kim smiled happily at everyone even though they couldn’t see her, because . . . she was that sort of girl. Finally, JC broke the silence, which made him uncomfortable.
    “I thought you didn’t approve of me and Kim, boss?”
    “I don’t,” said Catherine, still not looking at either of them. “The living and the dead are not supposed to fall in love for any number of perfectly good reasons. You must know, both of you . . . there is no way your relationship can end well.”
    “Come on,” said JC. “I have been altered by otherworldly forces, and she is mortally challenged. We have so much in common!”
    “I think we’re a very post-modern couple,” Kim said cheerfully. “Opposites attract and complement each other. By being together, JC and I are making a positive statement!”
    Catherine Latimer shook her head. “I have been head of the Carnacki Institute for too long. The world

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