Heat: An Alpha Male Criminal Romance (A Hotter Than Hell Novel Book 1)

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Book: Heat: An Alpha Male Criminal Romance (A Hotter Than Hell Novel Book 1) by Holly S. Roberts Read Free Book Online
Authors: Holly S. Roberts
uncomfortably delayed O.
    I insert the two semi-new batteries with one old. I lift my leg to the couch and bury all six inches of purple pleasure where I need it most before turning it on. I don’t fuck around this time. I imagine it’s Moon shoving his cock inside me while his fingers work my clit. I think about the fathomless pit of his eyes and the smile that stretches the scar on his lower lip. It takes two minutes before an orgasm washes over me. I stand with my leg hiked up feeling absolutely no shame that I was too frustrated to return to my bedroom.
    My orgasm high cools down fast. Too fast. I’m hot and sweaty again, but too tired to take another shower. I am so pissed off at Moon. No man should bring you to losing your mind over dead batteries. I storm back into my bedroom and place Mr. Purple on the nightstand as I slide between the covers. He proceeds to roll to the floor, and I don’t even care. I fall asleep after a quick mental note to buy more batteries.

    My head is pounding when I wake up. I barely slept. Worse, I’m horny, and I’ve decided that I’m not taking the risk of having the batteries expire on me again. Moon is turning me into a nympho after one short kiss. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy sex. I just usually prefer the purple wonder over an actual man. Little mess and easy to walk away from when I’m satisfied. Add in no drama and my toy makes the perfect boyfriend.
    In the light of day, I’m rather flustered that my orgasm didn’t rock my socks the way it should have. My sexual craving seems to be for Moon, but that is not gonna happen.
    I decided sometime during my sleepless night that I was done with Moon and would stick to my guns this time. I’m behaving like a man and allowing a pretty body to keep my mind off the fact that he’s bad news. I laid awake with my mind on two things. One is dumping Moon’s ass before he gets any further ideas. The other thing I dwelled on is Moon’s first name. I racked my brain. I know someone mentioned it one day. It was an odd name for an odd man.
    Now that I’m awake, I let those thoughts go. It’s more important to discover how Moon entered my apartment. If what I suspect is true and he duplicated my key, I need to change my locks. Regardless, there will be no more dates—forced or otherwise—with the incredibly hot thug who left me high and dry last night. This fixating on Moon will stop.
    To take my mind off Moon, I work on my embezzlement case. I’m pretty sure I’ve found the guilty party; I just need to back up a few things first. I call my dad and ask if I can e-mail the spreadsheets to him. I’ve struggled through the numbers for days and think I finally found a pattern. Dad’s my ace in the hole and he’ll see it right off.
    “Hey, Mak,” he greets me. Only my mother calls me Madison. Dad started the whole Mak thing when I was a baby. He didn’t like it when people referred to me as Mad or Maddy. He wanted a boy and says having me was the luckiest day of his life. Mak stuck.
    I explain my case, ask about the Florida weather, and ask about Mom.
    “You got time to talk to her?”
    “No, tell her I promise to call in the next few days.”
    Dad understands this because Mom harps on everything. She means well, but if you don’t have time to talk, she’s the last person you want to be stuck on the phone with. I disconnect and e-mail the documents to him. I take my shower and head out the door into the hothouse known as Phoenix.
    I stop by the grocery store and pick up some dog treats and a pint of Jack. I also hit Micky D’s for two Big Macs before heading to Sunnyslope. Driving through the back streets where I worked patrol is hell. Melancholy swamps me. I miss the cop life so fucking much.
    Within five minutes, I locate Cucumber Bill. One Big Mac and the pint of Jack is for him. I met Bill when I busted him for snagging a pint from the local convenience store. He did three months, and I felt so guilty about leaving

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