dollars an hour. Still, when I took jobs privately, my fee for private duty nursing averaged fifty dollars plus an hour. And his care plan demanded round-the-clock care?
“His insurance is paying for his rehab,” Nancy continued. “I should warn you, Angie, he’s trying to get back up on its feet as soon as possible so he can rejoin his squadron.”
“Oh great,” I said, shaking my head. Military veterans could be the most stubborn patients, and that was merely from my experience dealing with the older ones. I could just imagine how much more difficult a younger, active duty soldier would prove to be, especially when he was hell bent on hurrying through his rehab.
“This is going to be a challenging job, Angie, no doubt about it,” Nancy admitted. “It might make you feel better to know that, in addition to the fee the agency will pay you, the client has offered you additional pay, depending on how you two get along for your private nighttime care. You’ll have to make private arrangements regarding your length of service.”
I listened in stunned dismay. Wasn’t that double dipping? Couldn’t I get into trouble?
“The agency has contracted two weeks with him for twelve-hour shifts from six o’clock in the morning until six o’clock in the evening. Mister Andrews has arranged to pay you privately for the six o’clock in the evening to the six o’clock in the morning shifts. After the initial two weeks, it will be up to him whether he retains our agency services for another stint. If he doesn’t want the agency, but wants you to stay on, that will be up to you. You can renegotiate at that point. Is that agreeable to you?”
I was surprised. It didn’t normally work this way, but if Nancy was telling me it was okay, I guess it was. The thought of making a bit of extra money was enticing. While I made enough money to live independently, it would be nice to tuck a little bit extra away in an emergency fund or save for a house someday. Or finally splurge on something for just me.
“Okay,” I finally sighed. “I guess I can give it a try. When do I start?”
“First thing tomorrow morning,” she said.
“But what about my other—”
“I’ve already arranged for another nurse to take over your current two clients.”
I quickly did the math in my head and knew I wouldn’t be losing any hours. In fact, I’d be gaining them by a lot. Still, I would be paying rent for an apartment I wasn’t staying in. That seemed silly, but if the job only lasted a couple of weeks, it made no sense to move. I wouldn’t have to spend money on groceries or gas to my other client’s houses, which would also save me some money.
“Okay,” I said. “Give me the address. I’ll be on his doorstep at six o’clock tomorrow morning.”
“Thanks, Angie,” Nancy said. “Log in and out on the phone like you usually do, but after six o’clock in the evening, you’ll be on your own payment schedule, so charge whatever you want.” She paused. “Angie, if you feel at all uncomfortable about the situation, I want you to let me know.”
I wondered about her comment. Why would I feel uncomfortable? Because the guy was younger? He had a back injury, so I doubted I would be in any danger from him physically. Then again, he was Delta Force. I shook my head. You’re being silly, I told myself. Well, he needed help, and I would damn well provide it for him. If I got even an inkling that the situation wasn’t on the up-and-up or if I felt uncomfortable, believe me, I’d be the first one to say something about it.
I pulled in front of the address Nancy had given me for Jackson Andrews’ home. All I could think was ‘Oh my God’. The directions had been a little complicated with numerous turns and I drove my small used Honda past numerous estates that must have cost well into the millions. With every estate, one larger than the next, my curiosity over my client increased.
He was staying at a residence located on
Princess Sophie Audouin-Mamikonian