Shades of the Past

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Book: Shades of the Past by Kathleen Kirkwood Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kathleen Kirkwood
she'd chosen to pose as his late viscountess, Cameron deemed tasteless, if not sick-minded.  Still, he found no reason to doubt the woman selling the brooch was, in fact, Bonnie Beckford.
    But was it? 
    The question plagued Adrian no end, as did another matter—the ring that had identified the body as Olivia's.  It was a simple cluster design, set with rubies, not one he'd personally given her, but one which she'd worn on numerous occasions.  Yet, he couldn't recall her wearing the ring that night when they argued no more than two hours before her death.  She had, however, been wearing her wedding band. 
    What became of it?  Had Olivia removed it after their angry words and tossed it into her case along with the other jewels?  That would explain why the band remained missing to this day.
    But could there be another possibility?  Could the body have been mistakenly identified?  What if Bonnie Beckford now lay entombed in the family mausoleum, and Olivia yet lived, richly provided for by the Marrable jewels?
    Adrian shook his head at the strain of his logic.  It created more questions than it answered.  Why, for instance, would the maid have been wearing Olivia's ring?  It was improbable, though not impossible, that his wife had gifted it to her.  If Olivia was anything, she was lavish in her generosity, much like Lawrence. 
    Lawrence.  He must speak with his brother and sift through the details of his account once more.  The servants too, those who'd remained in service since the time of the accident, would need to be re-questioned.  Adrian vowed to have his answers and to trap the thief who was selling off the Marrable jewels.
    Remounting his steed, he touched his heels to the stallion's flanks and turned back for Sherringham.  Minutes later, he passed through the gates and headed for the sprawling manse which, in reality, was part castle, part manor house.  When it appeared in sight, he thought it presented a rather forbidding aspect this day, the layers of centuries clinging to its stone, shrouding it with a melancholy air. 
    Arriving before the porticoed entrance, Adrian leaped down, tossing the reins to the stable boy who rushed forward to greet him.  On entering the manse, he immediately encountered his butler, a short, spindly man of about sixty with thinning, white hair.
    "Do you know the whereabouts of my brother, Timmons?"  He handed him his hat and gloves.
    "I believe he is with Mrs. Wynters, your lordship."
    "Indeed?"  Adrian tried to mask his surprise, or was it irritation that he felt?
    "Yes, your lordship.  He offered to open the Photo House for Mrs. Wynters and help her transfer her photographic equipment there." 
    "I see."  Adrian's brows pulled together as he imagined the nature of the help Lawrence might wish to offer her in Aunt Gwen's darkroom. 
    He loved his brother but was not blind to his shortcomings, in particular those regarding women.  That Lawrence now closeted himself with the beautiful widow irked Adrian.  Considerably.
    "I sent James and Woodrow to assist in the task," Timmons added.  "And Master Geoffrey wished to lend a hand too."
    "Good!  Then Mrs. Wynters has plenty of chaperons,” Adrian blurted without thinking, his mood instantly lifting.
    "Your lordship?"  Timmons canted his head.
    Adrian felt his heat rise, realizing what he'd just said. 
    " Assistants .  I meant to say, Mrs. Wynters has plenty of assistants to help her with her cameras and chemicals and the like." 
    "Yes, your lordship.  And happy they are to do so, I am sure," Timmons replied perfectly straight-faced.  "Assist her, that is."
    "Indeed."  The word came out a near growl.  Adrian tried not to glare at the butler.  "Thank you, Timmons.  Tell my brother to join me as soon as he is able.  I'll be in the west tower."
    Without looking back, he started to make his way through the enfilade of doors that stretched along the front of the house and led to the tower stairs on the far

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