This is WAR

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Book: This is WAR by Lisa Roecker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lisa Roecker
repeat performance of what had happened on the Gregorys’ yacht. Not tonight.
    “Wait.” Mari exhaled a cloud of smoke and dropped the butt to the ground, grinding out the ash with her sandal. “We need to talk. About that night …”
    Lina whirled around. “I have nothing to say to you. Go find Trip. Talk to him. You guys seem to have plenty to discuss.” Her stony mask was firmly back in place and she noted with satisfaction how each word cut into her target like tiny darts. Mari wasn’t worth her time.
    Lina pressed her shoulders back as far as she could and turned back toward the entrance of the Club, forcing the bones of her back to jut out like wings as she walked. She was Lina Winthrop. She was tough. She was strong. She took what she wanted and didn’t give a shit about what anyone said or thought.
    “You know where to find me when you’re ready to talk,” the girl called after her.
    Despite herself, Lina turned one more time. But there wasno evidence of Mari, save for the cigarette butt that still smoldered on the concrete.
    Find me
. The words echoed in her head.
    Suddenly she had the perfect idea for their first battle. For the first time that night a small smile played across Lina’s face, and when she climbed the stairs back up to the attic, she felt a surge of adrenaline snake its way through her veins. Lina Winthrop was back in the driver’s seat. It would only be a matter of time before she was looking at the crumpled forms of James and Trip Gregory in her rearview mirror.

Chapter 10
    Lina took the stairs two at a time and burst into the attic. “I have an idea,” she said, curling her fingers beneath the hem of her stained dress. She tried to catch Sloane’s eye, to offer a silent apology, but Sloane deliberately avoided her gaze. Lina knew she deserved it.
    “Trip is sleeping with some whore of a waitress. We use her as bait.” Lina thought of Mari with her full lips and mocha skin. She was a sure thing.
    Madge’s eyebrow flicked subtly and Lina knew she’d struck a chord. So she took the opportunity to shift into third and flood the gas. She strode toward one of the chairs in the middle of the room and sat down without saying another word.
    “Um, which girl are you talking about exactly?” Rose asked. The words seemed to catch in her throat. She grabbed her bottled water and started chugging.
    “Mari.” Lina scowled and continued. “Anyway, Trip dialed my number on the yacht. He might not be the hotbrother. Not to mention, everyone knows he’s completely unstable after he pretty much killed his own parents … but he knows what he’s doing.” She smiled wickedly for effect. She was pleased to see Rose’s mouth fall open, and her cheeks burst into flame. If there was one thing Lina had perfected it was the art of shock value. She only hoped she’d shock them enough to hide the fact that her being with Trip was a lie. “That waitress walked in and caused the biggest scene. Apparently she actually thought they were dating. Like a Gregory would ever date
.” As soon as Lina uttered the word staff, Rose gasped and began choking. Lina seized the opportunity to see how her little story was going over with Madge and Sloane. Their wide-eyed stupor said it all. She had them exactly where she wanted them. She stared pointedly at Rose, waiting for her to stop hacking away.
    “S-s-sorry. Wrong tube,” Rose finally managed.
    “You don’t have to be here, you know. You’re free to leave at any time.”
    Madge lifted her hand in the air to stop Lina from going any further. They’d already had this conversation and clearly Madge wasn’t in the mood to have it again. Lina rolled her eyes and continued. “As I was saying, we blackmail her. Force her to confess. Trip goes down and …”
    “I don’t see how blackmailing some poor girl will get us anywhere,” Madge said. “And what about James? This isn’t good enough.”
    “Pictures,” Rose whispered. Her voice was

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