shared a bond through blood and grief. They also shared a friendship. Elle could talk to her grandmother about anything, could share anything with her. When she was scared or hurt, worried or upset, it was her grandmother she would turn to.
Elle looked around once m ore. This would make a good office for her. She could add a desk and a few other items, maybe add a skylight and it would be a wonderful get away for her. She could use it to do the day to day running of the hotel while the people she would employ took control of the guests. Elle didn't imagine herself at the front of house. No, she wanted to run and manage The Sanctuary but have others working for her, like in the days her grandmother ran the hotel. She wanted to enjoy it from the perspective of a m anager, not dealing with the ins and outs of the hotel.
So she wrote on her list, employees-front of house, manager, deputy, waiters/waitresses, cleaners, gardeners and chamber maids.
Elle finished her list and headed back for the stairs. She would head back to the house and start making phone calls to book in the work that needed to be done. Soon, The Sanctuary would be looking as good as new and ready to take its first guests in years. Elle was sure her grandmother would be looking down on her and s m iling.
Elle stepped onto the first stair and just as she let her weight onto it she heard a creaking noise which had her looking down just in time to see her foot crushing through the wood. Surprise made Elle jerk and she lost her footing. Unable to st op herself from falling Elle fell against the side of the wall but her stuck foot tugged against her and suddenly she found herself heading head first down the stairs. The stuck foot had released itself under her tugging and Elle toppled and crumpled in a heaped mess over and over and down the stairs. She landed in a mess of limbs at the bottom, a resounding crack echoed through the empty hall as she struck the ground. Elle was stunned and stay where she laid for a moment, pain coursing through her body. As she came too and took stock of what had just happened, she focused in on the incredible pain. She shifted onto one side, as she did so a white light of agony coursed through her body. She screamed loud and high as the pain intensified. She looked d own and saw that her arm was looking all wrong. It was misshapen, hanging almost. She cried out again, the pain worse since seeing what she had done. It must be broken she thought wildly. She suddenly felt very scared and frightened. She didn't know wh a t to do, how to help her self. There was no-one around to help her. Elle cried and this did nothing but add to the pain.
Elle sobs were interrupted by someone shouting. 'Elle! Elle! Where are you? Elle!'
It was Mark! Oh thank god it was Mark!
'Mark! He lp me! Mark!'
Elle shouted with all her might. She continued to shout his name through her sobs. He came crashing through the door, eyes wild with worry. He took it all in quickly. He looked at her lying on on one side, arm nestled gently against her, her tear streaked face, her scared eyes wide.
'Elle! What's happened?'
'I fell down the stairs Mark. I think I've broken my arm. It hurts Mark, it hurts so bad. You've got to help me.'
Mark needed to hear no more. He moved to crouch alongside her and scooped her into her arms gently. He eased them through the door and down the corridor. He carried her down the steps and out of the front door.
'The key?' Mark enquired.
'In my back pocket,' Elle told him.
Mark shifted her weight in his arms but manage d to retrieve the key and lock up The Sanctuary before they left. They got in his car and Mark drove Elle to the closest hospital.
As they drove they spoke. 'I guess this means you're going to have to talk to me again, huh?' Mark said.
'I guess so,' El le murmured.
'I didn't like it when you ignored me this morning. You've been
Renee George, Skeleton Key