Death Walker

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Book: Death Walker by Aimée & David Thurlo Read Free Book Online
Authors: Aimée & David Thurlo
looking?” Ella asked directly.
    A flicker of something undefinable crossed Elsie’s eyes. “Gossip travels too quickly here. Whatever I say could do much harm.”
    “Gossip has alreadytraveled,” Ella insisted. “The sooner I find answers, the quicker things can go back to the way they should be.”
    Elsie walked to the stove, turned on the butane burner under an old kettle, and added spoonfuls of instant coffee to a pair of white mugs.
    Ella watched her work, allowing the silence to stretch out. She wanted to prod for answers—the quiet preyed on her nerves—but to insist now wouldhave the opposite effect. Finally Elsie joined her at the table, placing a mug of the steaming liquid in front of Ella.
    “Have you learned yet about my neighbor’s daughter? She is causing her mother much heartache. She’s a stubborn, spoiled child.” Elsie added at least five spoonfuls of sugar to her own mug before taking a swallow.
    Ella remembered Cindi Dodge. She’d been more outspoken than hermother, but that’s all she knew so far. “Tell me more about the girl.”
    “Her boyfriend is Steven Nez.”
    Ella searched her mind. The name sounded familiar. But the man she connected to the name was married and about twice Cindi’s age. “You don’t mean Sally’s husband, do you?”
    “Yes, that’s exactly who I mean. Steven Nez would show up at Cindi’s house every afternoon when both her parents were atwork. One day, the girl’s father came home and found Steven there. He hauled Steven out by the back of his shirt and threw him into the truck. He told Steven that if he ever caught him around his daughter again, he’d get a seat full of buckshot. Then Cindi started seeing another boy, one her own age who had moved here from Fort Wingate. I heard Steven was jealous.”
    She shrugged. “Steven blamedCindi’s father for everything. You see, Sally found out, too, and kicked him out of the house, so now he’s lost everything.”
    “Thanks for your help. I’ll keep it confidential, don’t worry.”
    “Steven is a worthless man, but I don’t think he would murder anyone,” Elsie added slowly. “I just can’t understand why anyone who knew my neighbor would do such a thing.”
    Elsie knew more about people thananyone else Ella could think of. She spent most of her time alone, and passed the days walking around the area, watching her neighbors. Sometimes they called the station to complain about her looking over their fences, or standing by their gates. “Was Kee Dodge ever said to associate with skinwalkers? Or have you ever heard any talk about him being a skinwalker?”
    Elsie’s face drew taut, and thelines that framed her weather-roughened face deepened. “It is time for you to go.” She stood up. “That is not a subject ever to be discussed in this house.”
    Ella realized her mistake and tried desperately to recover ground. “I’m working on behalf of the tribe. It’s for their sake I’m asking. I know there is danger speaking of these things, but for the sake of the People, won’t you talk to me?”

    Elsie’s eyes narrowed. “You have dishonored the name of one who is dead. I have nothing else to say to you.”
    Ella stood up, realizing that in her own way Elsie had answered the question. If Ella had dishonored Kee Dodge by linking him with skinwalkers, then that must mean that Dodge hadn’t been suspected of being a Navajo Wolf.
    Ella returned to her vehicle. Unfortunately, the next three housesshe visited proved to be a complete waste of time. Either the inhabitants knew nothing or they were unwilling to talk to her. Finally she headed back down the highway. It was time to pay Leonard Haske a visit.
    She picked up her mike and reported in. Although the signal kept breaking up, the transmission was still clear enough to be understood. Carolyn Roanhorse and Big Ed had both asked to seeher.
    Since Carolyn’s office was on the way to the station, Ella opted to stop there first. Forty minutes later

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