Plain Trouble

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Book: Plain Trouble by Kathleen Y'Barbo Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kathleen Y'Barbo
if anyone except me, Bess or Alpheus here comes your way and you don’t like the looks of ‘em, shoot to kill.”
    Alpheus nodded his approval and the men scattered. “You thinkin’ there’s trouble with Bess?”
    Joe gave the rancher a sideways look. “I’ve got a feeling there’s always going to be some kind of trouble with Bess.” He chuckled. “And likely I’m overreacting. But knowing what we know now, I’m going to have to be cautious until Klein’s in custody.”
    “So he’s Klein now?” Alpheus asked. “What happened to Tommy?”
    “Tommy was my friend, Alpheus. Klein’s a killer and he needs to be brought to justice.” Another muffled sound stole his attention.
    “Likely she’s dropped her hairpins again,” Alpheus said. “She’s prone to doing that. Well, that and her bonnet. She worries with those ribbons until I’m surprised they don’t fall off. Always did, even as a little girl. Why her mama used to-”
    A scream split the silence. Joe bounded up the stairs, grasping for his revolver. “Which room’s hers?”
    Alpheus showed him. It was locked.
    “Bess,” he called. “Open the door.”
    “Bess?” Joe threw his shoulder into the door twice before it flew open. There he found Bess crumpled on the floor. Beside her knelt Pale Indian.
    The hat. The clothing. The Indian moccasins. All of these things he remembered from the alley behind the livery in San Antonio.
    The face, he knew from childhood as his friend Tommy Klein.
    Joe leveled the revolver at the Indian. “Back away from her.”
    “I didn’t mean to hurt her,” Tommy said. “I was trying to get her to hear me out and she wouldn’t do it. She just kept telling me I had to leave and she wouldn’t listen.”  
    He was almost in tears now, this man Joe barely recognized. “Alpheus,” Tommy continued, “you’re why I’m here.”
    Joe tore his eyes from Klein for just a moment as Bess roused. “Stay put,” he ordered her, and she either listened and complied or was unable to defy him. Joe preferred to believe the first option.
    “What’ve I got to do with anything, Tommy?” Alpheus asked.
    “I want you to take care of Mama.” He shook his head. “I don’t know that I’m worth getting a blessing from, but I sure would like to see you marry up with my mother. She’ll need you when I’m gone.”
    “You’re not going anywhere,” Joe said, “except to face a judge and jury.”
    Klein shook his head. “You know that would kill my mother. I can’t let her know what I’ve done. You can’t do that to her, Joe.”
    Anger throbbed at Joe’s temples. “I didn’t do this. You landed yourself where you are.”
    Tommy rose and offered up empty palms. “I’m not armed.” When there was no response, he continued. “There’s no good end to this, and I know even though you’re my friend you won’t let me go.”
    “I can’t,” Joe said through clenched jaw.
    “I know.” He shrugged. “You were always the good guy. Me, I liked playing bank robbers and horse thieves.”
    “This isn’t play, Pale Indian,” Joe said. “This is real life, and you’ve got to pay for what you’ve done. That boy in San Antonio didn’t get a chance and neither do you.”
    He dropped his hands to his side and turned his back to Joe. Their gazes collided as Joe stood firm, his pistol ready and his prayers rising.
    “What’re you doin’, Tommy?” Alpheus said gently. “Can’t we just let a judge a jury settle this. Your mama’ll love you no matter what happens.”
    He turned   and looked past Joe to Alpheus. “Yes, I know she will,” he said. “And she’ll miss me something terrible when I’m gone. Promise me you’ll take care of her, Alpheus.”
    “Well, of course I will. I love your mama, son, which is why I can’t let anything-”  
    Tommy bolted toward the window and threw himself against it. Glass shattered as the window panes splintered. A volley of shots rang out, and then only silence.

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