Queen Of Knights

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Book: Queen Of Knights by David Wind Read Free Book Online
Authors: David Wind
was not tired, and the sounds from those who still feasted echoed into his room.  He needed a place to be alone, where he could think, undisturbed, about tomorrow.
    After giving the twins further orders about his equipment, he left the room and went through the hall to a door on the far side that opened onto the parapet.  There he walked by himself for a while, thinking about his life, and his future.
    He was committed to Richard, even as his father had been committed to Richard’s father, Henry.  Miles had spent four years at Richard’s side, fighting whomever Richard had chosen, and traveling through Normandy, Italy, and secretly visiting the Holy Land.  He had sworn an oath with Richard, outside the walled city of Jerusalem, to come back with Richard and return the land to Christianity’s embrace.
    Miles knew that in a year Richard would have his army gathered, and they would debark on a crusade against the Saracens.  He wanted to be at Richard ’ s side when they rode through the gates of Jerusalem .
    Miles stopped to gaze at the star-filled sky .  He knew tomorrow marked an important day for him.  It signaled a change in his life, a significant change, and he was eagerly looking forward to it.  By winning tomorrow’s joust he would gain a wife and complete the first part of his commitments to his family.  And that commitment was a strong one.  Miles of Radstock was the last male of his line.  His only legitimate brother, Roger , had been killed fighting for King Henry the Second, and his bastard-born brother, Theodore, had chosen the life of the church.
    Just as Richard took the crown upon his father’s death, so did Miles draw on the mantle of the Earl of Radstock upon the news of Roger’s death.  Roger had died without leaving issue, and it was up to Miles to continue a line that was as old as Britain itself.
    But it was more than the responsibilities of his name and rank which filled Miles’s mind—much more.  From the first time he had seen Gwendolyn of Kildrake he had known what love was.  Watching her fight the two men had been a gift given to him, and he had seen a vision permitted to few.  He also knew he would never allow Morgan to take her from him.
    Miles thought himself to be a simple man, enjoying everything about life and devoting himself to the arts of being a knight.  His desires were normal, and his vows sacred.  It bothered him to some degree that Richard had to issue his edict for Miles to gain Gwendolyn’s hand, but short of open warfare against Guildswood, there was no other way.
    Yet with tomorrow’s sun, Miles felt he would be absolved from the deceit which enabled him to take Gwendolyn from Morgan....
    Miles remembered Morgan’s arrival this evening.  Miles had been standing to one side in the great hall, talking with a knight he had not seen in some time when Morgan had entered with his entourage.  Miles had carefully watched Morgan, studying his adversary closely as he approached the king.
    Sir Morgan of Guildswood was taller than average height, but still a good four inches shorter than Miles.  His lack of height was more than made up for by his powerful width.  His neck, rising out of the light maille hauberk, was thick and powerful.  His arms were massive, and his legs, encased within the padded riding hose, were like two tree trunks.
    Before Morgan had reached the king, his head had turned and his eyes had found Miles’s.  Within their deep-set darkness, Miles had seen the man’s hatred flare.  A chill coursed through him when he sensed the rage contained within the knight’s stare.
    When Morgan had turned from him, Miles knew he had gazed into the eyes of a man who was destined to become his lifelong enemy, and a dangerous one at that.  He had thought this even as Morgan reached Richard and made his obeisance to the king.  When Morgan had lifted Richard’s hand to his lips, Miles had left the hall to go to his room and dress for the evening’s

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