Unforgiving Temper
    “There is more here than you are telling,
sir. I do not know what your purpose is, but I know what you are
capable of, and you are sadly mistaken if you think for a moment
that holding my sister's unfortunate behavior hostage will force my
participation in whatever scheme you are constructing. It will not
take long for you to be exposed for the rake that you are, and you
will be called upon to answer for this despicable behavior!”
    “And what would you do? Make known the
letters? Expose your sisters – all of them – to public ridicule and
disgrace? I won't marry her. With the estate entailed, do you think
your father would be so foolish as to challenge me? Do not be so
hasty in refusing my offer. You have until tomorrow evening to
decide. If you do not choose to accept, I shall be forced to make
public your sister's delicious letters. My fellow officers would
rather enjoy the entertainment. Remember, tomorrow evening. I shall
wait for your answer in the small garden on the east side of your
    With a smirk and a deep bow, Wickham turned
and walked away, leaving Elizabeth staring after him. As he passed
from view, she took several hard breaths to contain the crushing
despair. This was much worse than she could have ever imagined. Think, Lizzy, think! There has to be another way!
    Wickham could not be allowed to publish the
letters. It would certainly dash Jane's newfound hopes with
Mr. Bingley. In a love so new as theirs, all of Jane's
goodness would not be sufficient to blot out the scandal of Lydia's
misdeeds. It would take more time for a greater understanding to
    Yet, she could not agree to employment
either. Aside from the distasteful notion of subjecting herself to
the will of an employer, Elizabeth could not help but think of what
Wickham attempted with Mr. Darcy's sister. It was a very great
possibility that Wickham's proposal involved some mercenary scheme
regarding this young ward and she could not be any part of it.
    If she were to disclose Wickham's deeds, it
would force actions that could only end in misery. At best, honor
would demand he marry Lydia, but he had already declared he would
not. Elizabeth closed her eyes against the worst. If Wickham
refused to marry Lydia, Mr. Bennet would be compelled to
demand the satisfaction of a duel. Her heart ached at the very
thought. She knew her father's age and sedentary lifestyle could
never hope to triumph over the youth and training of a military man
such as Wickham. With the agonizing loss of her father would also
come the loss of life as they knew it. With Longbourn entailed, all
her mother's fears of destitution would be realized. No, it was not
to be attempted.
    Elizabeth paced in a circle, searching
desperately for a means of solving her dilemma. What was she to do?
Her father had always been her anchor in stormy seas such as this,
but she could not go to him with Lydia's disgraceful letter…or
could she?
    A plan of her own now beginning to form in
her head, Elizabeth set out for Longbourn with a determined

Chapter 5
    Touching the two letters hidden in the folds
of her dress, Elizabeth offered a fervent prayer for success and
then rapped lightly on the door to her father's library. At his
invitation, she quickly turned the knob and entered. Looking at the
affectionate expression with which he greeted her, her heart
contracted painfully at the thought that it was something she would
not see again for some time; but there was no turning back. Her
whole family would feel the devastating effects if she failed
    “Lizzy, my dear! What do you think? We have
all survived the madness of last night's dinner party and it looks
as if your sister is in a fair way of recapturing her young
    “Yes, it seems very likely; but, if I may,
sir, I have another matter I wish to speak of.”
    “Of course, my dear. What is it? You look a
little troubled.”
    “I am, very much.” Elizabeth's resolve
waivered for an

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