The Taming of Lady Honoria
his shoulders beneath his damp linen shirt distracted
her from her pain. He'd obviously come from the rose garden where
he'd been helping her mother with the roses. A smear of dirt
burnished his bronzed throat.
    He pulled at the tiny boot.
    Honoria shrieked, "Don't take my foot off
with the boot!"
    Robbie sat back on his haunches. Every inch
of his god-like physique seemed to ripple as he brushed a lock of
curling black hair out of his eyes. "Your leg keeps moving."
    Her foot throbbed, even more so now that the
boot refused to come off. She pushed at it, but it just made
everything hurt worse. "Do something!" she told him.
    Robbie reached up, grasped her thigh through
the filmy white skirts and held her in place.
    "How dare you!" she gasped, shoving at his
    He pushed down against her flesh. "Be still."
The boot popped off and fell on the floor.
    Honoria sobbed in relief.
    Silence rippled out from where Robbie knelt,
still holding her thigh. "M'lady," he whispered. "Your leg is so
    Honoria looked down into Robbie's eyes. She
hadn't actually looked at him in years. She'd only noticed
the way the curls sprang from his scalp and his monumental size.
Why hadn't she looked at his face ? High cheekbones, chiseled
jaw, even the line of his brows were handsome in an intensely
masculine way. He simply reeked of maleness and he was
looking at her in that way, despite her unfortunate
    "You may release me," she said, pulling her
hand from his.
    He didn't move, and the feel of his enormous
hand on her thigh roused feelings Honoria had never thought to
experience. As if she were bound in some magical spell that only he
could break, Honoria watched as his hand slid over her thigh to the
place between her legs she did her utmost to ignore.
    His tongue swept out to moisten his lips and
he stuck out one finger—just one, to brush at the material over her
nether regions. "I've rutted on women in the kitchen, but you're
softer." Another finger came up to join its brethren and his hand
abruptly burrowed beneath her gown.
    "No!" cried Honoria.
    "I will not hurt you, m'lady." His
explorations gave lie to his earnest expression as his massive
digit found entry.
    Honoria jerked upright, shocked at the feel
of his finger wiggling about in her. "What are you doing? Get it
    He twisted his finger slowly, and withdrew it
only to slide back into place. This time his knuckles slapped her
naked flesh.
    Honoria jumped. "Oh!"
    His laugh huffed out. "Liked that, did
    She whimpered. The sensations he evoked
weren't unpleasant but they were certainly strong as her
over-stimulated nerves struggled to keep up with her body. "Do it
    A second finger joined the first.
    Her head fell back and her legs parted as her
entire body went limp. "Oh my God."
    Robbie used one hand to hold her that way
while he pulled at his breeches. His cock sprang free, big and
    She'd seen horses mating, but the effect of
all that naked male flesh so close to her equally naked female flesh was enough to make her shudder. "I'm a virgin!"
she cried, kicking him away.
    Robbie laughed. "There are other places a man
can use, m'lady. And I'm not against a good suckling."
    "A…" she felt faint, "…suckling?"
    "I am not putting your…member, in my
    Robbie swept her up in his arms and carried
her to the bed.
    She pounded at the hard muscles of his chest.
"Release me or I'll scream!"
    Robbie flung her on the pillows then stripped
out of his breeches. "Do you have any salve?"
    Honoria screamed loud enough to rattle the
    Robbie disappeared into her dressing room,
working the buttons on his shirt. When he came out, he was naked
and he had her extra-large bottle of India Lotion, guaranteed to
moisturize and cure blemishes at the same time—not that it
fulfilled either claim. To the best of Honoria's knowledge it was
rosewater and oil.
    Robbie flipped her over on her stomach, threw
her skirts up and used his knee to push her legs

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