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Book: Origins by Jambrea Jo Jones Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jambrea Jo Jones
Tags: Paranormal/Wereshifter
their turn bathing.
    “I’ll go this way and you go that way. We’ll meet on the other side.” Ive pointed out the route she’d picked. Too tired to argue over who was in charge, she walked around the site to see if they could use anything to take with them.
    It was odd, but the campsite had been set up in a circular fashion. Joy wondered what Religious symbolism the tribe followed.
    By the time they’d finished checking the shelters, the men were back. Neither of them had found much, a few canteens that would come in handy and Joy had found one of the satchels, but not much was left in it. There was one more bag that was in the middle of the camp. All their supplies were now accounted for so it was time to go. Kir once again took the lead and Joy was happy to trail behind. She brought up the rear with Zareb by her side.
r and Grey were behind Kir, Ive and Dji were in front of her and Zereb. She didn’t know about the others, but she didn’t want to leave Zareb’s side.
    Not that anything else should go wrong, but she was on her guard. Too much shit had gone down for her to just hop along her merry way.
    “Be at ease, my siel.”
    “Not until we’re at home.”
    Joy smiled. She liked agreeable Zareb.

    Chapter Seven

    Zareb could bask in Joy’s smile for days. He was as anxious to get home to America as she was and locking them in his house sounded better and better as the days ran together.
    Most of his life he’d dreamed of coming back to Africa to stay and now that he was here he wanted to leave and never come back. There was nothing left for him here. The time of living in the past was over—the future beckoned to him.
    The group had talked of shifting to make the trip go faster, but they were worried about Djimon, not that Zareb blamed them. Dji was still a mess and Ive supported him the best she could. Grey had fallen back to help her.
r kept an eye on Kir, but kept glancing back at Grey. Something was going on with between
r and Grey. He’d been so lost in his own problems he’d failed to see that
r might have finally found his mate.
    If anyone deserved to be happy it was
r. He’d been through hell with his birth family when they kicked him out for being gay. He’d wondered around aimlessly until coming to the Masters pack to search for a distant relative. He’d only recently begun to join the pack when they gathered for meals.
    If Grey was anything like his sister then
r had a good man. He knew Joy had issues with Ive, but he thought that was because Joy had never seen the true Ive. Ancients be praised, everyone was settling down, just like they had foretold. He shouldn’t be surprised. They had always known things would work out—the trials along the way just made people stronger.
    The Masters pack was due a break and he hoped the Ancients would allow them the breather to get back on track.
    “We are here,” Kir announced.
    Everyone paused and looked at Zareb for direction.
    “I think it best if Dji, Kir and I enter the circle together. The rest of you wait here. We’ll only be a moment. Then we can head for the plane.”
    No one argued with the plan. They were too tired from the stress of the day and dropped where they’d been standing. Kir took one side and Zareb the other, leading Dji to the circle. They stopped and allowed Dji to sit right on top of the spot where Joy and he had buried the Vessel.
    “I can feel the evil,” Djimon said in a defeated tone, one Zareb had never associated with him.
    “You may feel it, but it is contained. I think the only reason you sense it is because it was a part of you for so long. Even now the vibrations are weaker than what they were when Joy and I buried it. The magic we used was strong.”
    “Someone will have to come back and check on this spot from time to time to make sure. No one should live through what I did.”
    “I agree. I will talk with Russell when we return. I think we all could use some

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