Rise of the Beast: A Novel (The Patmos Conspiracy Book 1)

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Book: Rise of the Beast: A Novel (The Patmos Conspiracy Book 1) by M.K. Gilroy Read Free Book Online
Authors: M.K. Gilroy
huge payday that would largely fund the weapons he had delivered to the man who had killed his eldest son.
    That was the beauty of his uncle’s plan. Pit both sides against each other. Let them do the dirty work—and pay the bill. Priceless.
    Nicky would return the check for a bottle of beer or glass of wine to wash down the delicious local fare. Not smart and not possible. And it was definitely time to go. Every minute he remained on the peninsula was tempting fate. He had three men watching his back, including the Chechnyan military officer who deserted Malmak’s camp the previous night.
    “You aren’t paying me enough to lose my head to a madman.”
    “Things are happening faster than planned,” Nicky told him, giving him instructions on where to meet him in Hodeidah.
    “Do I still get paid full amount?”
    “Of course. And there will be more work for you soon. We’ll leave together from the port. You’ll go to Paris and await further instructions.”
    Nicky slid the sheath of papers across the table to Sulaymon’s youngest prince. The kid studied the grainy night vision photographs carefully. He glanced at the summary page that gave the exact coordinates of Malmak’s small military base.
    “Tell me again how you got these—and why you are giving this information to us?”
    Did Sulaymon give the young man instructions to ask these questions or was he thinking through all that had transpired in past two days on his own? He hoped the former.
    “You already know how we came by this information. We are expanding our business in Yemen and are paying for information from many sources. You also know why we are passing on this information to your father. He is paying us a significant sum of money.”
    The young man’s face was a mask of conflicting thoughts and emotions. It was obvious his suspicions weren’t satisfied by Nicky’s answers. But what could he do? How long would Malmak wait before moving against Sulaymon? He was there as emissary of his father. He had to make the deal. Nonetheless, Nicky gave an imperceptible nod to the Chechnyan. Be ready to shoot anything that moves, including the kid, if this goes south.
    The young man scowled and slid an envelope across the table to Nicky.
    “Do you want to verify the wire transfer details and instructions?”
    Indeed, Nicky wanted him to, but knew everything would be in order. Sulaymon was not going to risk losing an immediate chance to avenge his anointed one. Nicky shook his head no, stood, gave a small bow, and answered, “Not necessary. I trust your father. I know that he knows what is at stake.”
    “As we trust you know what is at stake.”
    The two men locked eyes and glared at each other. Nicky almost wanted Labeeb to make a move at him so he could let the boy know his proper place in the universe. He knew what his uncle would do. Defer in order to win the battle that mattered. Nicky broke eye contact and nodded to the young man, granting Labeeb the victory.
    Nicky hated to leave the uneaten food behind, but it was time to get out of Yemen with his head intact.
    “It is a sin to waste food, Labeeb. Refresh yourself and then do your duty.”
    Labeeb was already out the door.
    He and the Chechnyan walked to the door, checking all directions for ambushes. Nicky scanned upstairs windows across the street. Nothing. All was clear.
    He took a quick step back in the café and grabbed a skewer of shish tawook before trotting out the door and jumping in the jeep to head for the pier.

    The Isle of Patmos
    IN GREEK AND ROMAN MYTHOLOGY, the Chimera combined parts of the lion, goat, and serpent to form a monster.
    What better base to build a three-headed Chimera on than Ebola? First discovered in the Ebola region of the Congo, scientists knew that like rabies, salmonella, tuberculosis, Lyme, and a long list of other zoonotic diseases—diseases transmitted from animals to humans— it was hosted by an African animal. But which animal? Lyme came through tics,

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