It's a Match!

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Book: It's a Match! by Zoë Marshall Read Free Book Online
Authors: Zoë Marshall
homework to do. Remind me never to pick Neuroscience as my major again. I thought I was prepared, but it’s harder than I thought it would be.”
    “I wish football was a major.”
    “Maybe you could petition for it to be one.”
    “Yeah, that’ll be the day.”
    “Are you going to the bonfire alone?”  
    “No. I have a date,” Cole replied. “Ish.”
    “Ooh, fun! Where did you meet her?”
    “Well….” Cole hesitated. He felt mildly embarrassed about this whole Matchbox swap arrangement, but what the hell. He was going to need someone to talk to about it. “Sutton and I decided we would take over each other’s Matchbox accounts to find each other dates.”
    “Wow, really? That will be fun!”
    “Yeah … that’s what she said. Honestly, I’m a little worried. But it was my idea, so I’m just going to need to trust her.”
    “Well, have a good time. I’ll still be up when you come back, so you can tell me all about it. I’m definitely going to have to hear that story.” And with that, Hunter went back to working on his laptop.
    “I should head out. I’ll see you later tonight. Don’t work too hard.”
    “Ha. I’ll try my best.”
    Cole put his wallet in his jeans pocket and headed to Jenny’s dorm, which was all the way across campus. His hands were shaking a bit as he approached her door, so he knocked, then placed his hands in his pockets.  
    The door opened to reveal a very beautiful Jenny. She had long black hair styled into a low side ponytail. Her eyes were an intoxicating shade of green. She had a crooked smile, which Cole found very unique and intriguing, and was wearing a worn pair of dark skinny jeans and a black tank top, which fit her figure perfectly. Good job, Sutt , he thought.
    “Heyyyyyyyy,” she said, somewhat slurred. When she went in for a hug, he smelled alcohol on her. Was this girl drunk?
    “Hey. You look really pretty.” Cole regretted the words as soon as they escaped his lips. Way to play it cool.  
    “Thanks! I just need a minute. Want to come in?”
    Cole followed Jenny into her room and stifled a gasp. The room looked like a tornado had eaten another tornado, then thrown it up. There were large piles of clothes on the floor, and dirty dishes and empty beer bottles everywhere. Cole was a bit of a neat freak sometimes (Sutton’s obsessive cleanliness had rubbed off on him), but he tried to contain his disgust.  
    Jenny motioned for Cole to sit on the bed and he stepped over a pile of clothes and warily sat down.  
    “So, how’s school going so far?” Jenny asked, rummaging through her closet.
    “It’s good. Still haven’t decided on a major. How about you?”
    “Business. I figure it’s a good degree to have to fall back on, no matter what I decide to do with my life,” Jenny responded, pulling out a pair of cream-colored flats.  
    “Yeah, you can’t go wrong with a business degree. I could never do it. I’m in Intro to Microeconomics right now and it’s just not my thing.”
    “I haven’t started any of the required courses yet.” Jenny stumbled a bit as she put on her shoes. “Okay, ready.”
    Cole stood up and once again stepped over the massive pile of clothes.  
    They small-talked as they walked to the bonfire. Cole learned that Jenny was an only child, a mommy’s girl, and loved sushi. Raw fish really wasn’t his thing, but he figured to each their own . Sutton hated how picky an eater Cole was. He was one of those strictly pizza-and-burger guys. He wasn’t adventurous, and it limited Sutton’s menu options during their dinner parties. She’d tried to get him to try sushi once and he’d practically turned green as he tried a piece of a California roll, which she said wasn’t even real sushi, but she thought would be a good beginner roll. She’d never tried to get him to eat anything remotely adventurous from that point on.  
    As they were almost to the bonfire, Jenny said, “Hold on,” and walked over to a

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