Night Magic

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Book: Night Magic by Susan Squires Read Free Book Online
Authors: Susan Squires
myself immensely before you serve your ultimate purpose. He wanted to cover his genitals with his hands, but apparently thought better of it in view of what she’d said. He clenched his fists at his sides. Oh, yes. He was just what she needed. He’d do anything she commanded when she was done with him. Anything.
    “We are so close to our goal, it is now important that he be cleansed inside as well as out. He should be treated with strong enemas as frequently as necessary.”
    “It shall be done,” Brother Theodosius intoned.
    She pulled out her cell phone, which apparently shocked the monk. He had probably never seen such trappings of the modern world. Of note, though , was that the boy wasn’t frightened or shocked. He just looked curious.
    “What is this thing?” Brother Theodosius whispered.
    She grinned. “It’s a telephone. You’ve heard of those, haven’t you?”
    “Of course,” he said, affronted. But he didn’t look like he believed it either.
    “And it takes photographs. I know you know about cameras. I saw some photographs of the monastery from early in the last century.”
    “But so small?” he asked.
    “I’ll show you.” She snapped pictures of Thomas in all his nude glory, from several angles. The flash made both of them jump, but she just pressed on, clicking away. Then she showed the device to Brother Theodosius.
    “God in heaven,” he exclaimed when he saw the pictures flip by. “It is a miracle.”
    “Now I have something to remember Thomas by.” She didn’t show the pictures to the boy. Why ruin all fun of indoctrinating him to modern life, once she brought him away from here?
    “Well,” she said, briskly. “I must be off. You will concentrate on purifying yourself, Thomas, and prepare to embrace the greater purpose for which you have prepared.” She nodded. “Brother Theodosius, see that he has no more wayward thoughts.”
    She left the boy standing naked and walked out into the twilight, the monk behind her.
    “Until your next visit,” he called. “May a merciful God bring you back soon.”
    Yes. She’d be back, more often now that the Talismans had made her young and healthy again. She’d be younger still when she acquired the Cup. She chuckled to herself. Even now, the Tremaines would be realizing that the Clan was out of the country. They’d feel safe. With luck, they’d attend the opening of the exhibit of medieval art at the museum. She’d have the Cup. She’d have the Tremaines. Only two steps left in her plan.
    Once she had the Pentacle, Thomas would make her immortal.
    “You’ve been really on edge since that last vision,” Michael said. Drew let him draw her into his arms in the kitchen. Everyone else had gone to up to bed. Kemble had taken Jane home and made a beeline for the computer in his bedroom when he got back. The rest of the family had departed hastily thereafter. No one wanted to say what was on everyone’s mind about Jane. “Wanna share?” Michael prodded. “Makes it better.”
    Just what Drew didn’t want to do. “I have visions three or four times a day, lately. I thought I had them under control but they’re getting worse.” That was depressing in itself.
    “Most don’t upset you like this anym ore. Maybe that’s a good sign.”
    “What good is it to see the future if you can’t do anything about it?” The anger just burst out. She was as surprised as Michael probably was.
    “You were instrumental in saving all of us up in Hollywood,” Michael reminded her. Delta Force, unflappable. “We’d all be dead today without the knowledge you got from your vision.” He drew her over to the couch on the far side of the little breakfast table for six, and sat, pulling her down. “Now cough it up, baby.”
    Drew sank onto his lap and buried her head in the soft skin at his neck where it joined his shoulder, burrowing into his open collar. She inhaled deeply. Michael: her anchor when she lost her compass, her dose of

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