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Book: Marilyn by J.D. Lawrence Read Free Book Online
Authors: J.D. Lawrence
check it all out. I'll inform my men, tell them to keep their eyes open. I want you two to stay put where you are and wait for me to get back to you, is that understood? Over.’
         'Sheriff, I'm sorry,'               Elwood replied without hesitation. 'But I'm afraid that is out of the question. There's nothing we can do here. We're going to make our way out to you. Over.'
    'I was afraid of that. There isn't anything you can do this end, either. It's too dangerous to go out travelling in this weather. It's safer for everyone if you just stay where you are until I tell you otherwise. Over.'
    ‘With all due respect, Sheriff, fuck the weather. I've made a promise, and I'm not about to go back on that because of some rain. It shouldn't take us longer than a few hours to get to you, we will be leaving as soon as we can. We'd appreciate it if someone was there to greet us when we arrive. Over.'
    'Since I met you, you've always been a stubborn bastard, Elwood. Over.’
    'You've got that right, Sheriff. Over.'
    'I want you two to drive carefully, you got that? The storm sounds like it's picking back up again. We probably haven't seen the worst of it yet, either. Over.'
    'You've got it, Sheriff. You can expect us in a couple of hours. Over.'
    'Roger. Over and out.'
    Elwood got to his feet first, helping Marilyn up. She wrapped her arms around him and kissed him on the cheek.
    'Thank you, Elwood. I don't know what I would be doing without you.'
    'Don't thank me yet. Come on, we better get a move on if we're going to beat this weather.' He blushed.
         Elwood strolled behind the table where the radio rested, and paced to the back wall. He stood on his toes and snatched Molly off of the wall.
    'What. What's that?' Marilyn enquired, pointing.
    'Ahh. You two haven't been formally introduced. This is Molly, my companion in arms.'
    He held Molly out in all of her glory so Marilyn could see her through the low gloom of light.
    Marilyn didn't react.
    'Is it loaded?'
    'Sure is. I always keep her loaded, you never know when you're going to need it.'
    Marilyn nodded.
    'Good. Have you got many bullets?'
         'Enough, don't you worry about that.'
         'OK, what’s our plan?' she asked, lightly dancing on the spot.
    Elwood thought for a moment.
    'I'll pack a few things. Is there anything you need from your car before we leave?'
         'No. I… I don't think so. Shit. I left the engine running,' she remembered, scraping the flat of her forehead with her damp fingers. 'It's probably dead by now.'
         'It doesn't matter,' Elwood reassured. 'We're taking my Jeep, anyway. You sure you don't need to get anything?'
    'Yeah, I'm sure.'
    'Right, great. Let's get moving.'
    The two hurried back through the attic. The sound of static and the pitter-patter of their feet bounced from wall to wall, floor to ceiling. They quickly but carefully negotiated their way down the staircase.
    'OK, Marilyn. I'm going to be a couple of minutes. I need to collect a few things before we leave. Do you want to wait in the Jeep?'
    'Isn't there anything I can help you with?' Marilyn wondered.
         'I guess there are a few things.'
    He pointed a finger.
    'If you go into my bedroom and get the shotgun shells from the top drawer of the bedside table, there should be coats hanging up on the back of the door, they'll come in handy. Grab those as well. I'll make a flask of coffee, because god-damn, we'll need that, too.’
         They parted.
    Marilyn marched through the corridor, finding Elwood's bedroom easily. She rummaged through the drawer of his bedside table and snatched up the box of shells, not allowing any distractions to find her. She turned to the door, spotting the hanging coats. She gripped them both with one hand and threw them over her raised forearm in two swift movements. She surveyed the room for any other obvious resources, but there were none. She stamped her heels and marched out,

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