blessings each clan member gave to his Alpha upon the recognised union with his mate.
Joseph and Nick were quick to follow his example, despite the reservations Michael could see in their eyes. He couldn’t fault them for having their doubts. This wasn’t exactly the most conventional coupling of an Alpha and his mate.
Their declarations made his chest swell with pride and gratitude, and he nodded to each in turn, even his father. As his men filed out of the house and sought out their vehicles to leave, Michael laid a staying hand on his father’s shoulder before the man reached the front door.
“Dad, I was wondering if you could, well, if you and mom might…”
“Your mom’s packing everything as we speak, and I do mean everything, with the exception of the kitchen sink. We’ll take the downstairs guest bedroom across the hall from your office to give you guys some privacy upstairs. I figure about two weeks should give you both enough time to adjust?”
Michael let out a breath he hadn’t realised he’d been holding and smiled gratefully at his father. He’d never met a mage before and had no idea how to handle his mate’s power. The thought of hurting him again out of ignorance was more than he could bear. The support of his mom and dad living with them for a while to smooth over any emergencies that might arise, such as the one that had occurred earlier tonight, would be an immense help.
“Yeah. Two weeks should be perfect. Thanks, Dad.”
Sam grunted and shook his head as he said, “Don’t thank me yet. Your mother is so excited you finally found your mate that she’s bringing over her sewing machine and measuring tape to size him up for an entire wardrobe. I feel sorry for the little guy already.”
Michael laughed and replied, “Well, at least she’s got good taste.”
Sam spread his arms, showing off his well-muscled and lean figure, saying, “The best, son . We’ll let ourselves in in about an hour. I’ve got the house-key. Go take care of your mate.”
Michael chuckled and locked the door after his father left. Taking the stairs three at a time, he reached his bedroom in moments, but paused once inside to savour the beautiful sight of the young man lying curled over a pillow in the middle of his bed.
He looked almost the same as he had four years ago, only a little thinner, if that were possible. His platinum-blond hair fanned out around his head, creating the image of a halo, and the combination of his pale skin and delicate features made him seem so fragile.
Michael was beginning to think that was closer to the truth than anyone suspected.
He stripped off his clothes, tossing them into the hamper, then climbed onto the bed to stretch his considerably longer length alongside that of his mate. Before touching him, however, Michael took several slow, deep breaths and mastered his thoughts and emotions, envisioning tranquillity.
This is definitely going to take some getting used to . But as he turned and pressed himself gently against the back of his mate, breathing in his unique, intoxicating scent of the ocean, he knew it would all be well worth it.
* * * *
Kaden awakened to the most wonderful sensation of being surrounded in warmth and strength. It seeped into his pores and invaded his being so completely that it felt as though he was wrapped in layers of steel clouds. He inhaled the scent of musk and a heavy forest after a spring rain and sighed.
That smell was captivating, exotic, and…familiar.
Where have I…? Realisation hit him a second before he snapped his eyes open to find two very large arms wrapped around his midsection. Memories of the previous night came flooding back and he could feel his body start to shake. He reached up with one hand to feel the raised ridges of teeth marks in the soft flesh between his shoulder and neck.
No. No no no no no , this is not happening.
“Good morning, beautiful,” a deep, rumbling voice said from behind him. Kaden