Mage-Guard of Hamor

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Book: Mage-Guard of Hamor by L. E. Modesitt Jr. Read Free Book Online
Authors: L. E. Modesitt Jr.
clerks and juniors,” said the mage-guard who had appeared to Rahl’s left. “I don’t think we’ve met. I’m Laryn, or as all the seniors say, Laryn the younger. You new here or transient?”
    â€œI’m new and probably transient. I’ve been assigned as Senior Mage-Guard Taryl’s assistant.” Rahl could sense that the other was an order-type mage-guard, but one without particularly strong order-skills.
    â€œTriad Taryl’s back?”
    â€œNot as a Triad, I don’t think,” Rahl replied. “He says he’s a senior mage-guard.”
    â€œThat’s…interesting.” Laryn gestured. “We’re a bit early, but we might as well sit down.” He walked toward the far table. “This is the men’s table, for all those not seniors or juniors. You’re not a senior, are you?”
    Rahl just shrugged. “No. I did a tour in Swartheld, and I’ve just been assigned to Taryl.”
    Laryn laughed. “If that’s the case, sooner or later, you will be.”
    After they seated themselves near the middle of the long table, Rahl asked, “What do you do here?”
    â€œYou can probably tell. I’m not that good a mage, but I’ve a talent for numbers and things like that. So they put me in charge of supplies here at headquarters, and sometimes, they send me to stations that have messed up their accounts to straighten them out, but that doesn’t happen often. Usually doesn’t take long to fix them either. Oh, I’m also part of the bookkeeping auditing team that reviews the Emperor’s accounts.”
    That was another surprise. “How often do you do that?”
    â€œTwice a year, at the turn of summer and at the turn of winter. Usually we don’t find much.” Laryn turned to the server. “Ale.”
    â€œDo you have a light beer?” asked Rahl.
    â€œGolden lager, ser,” replied the server.
    â€œI’ll have that.”
    â€œWhat will you and Triad Taryl be doing? Do you know?”
    â€œIt has something to do with the rebellion, but that’s all I know. You probably know more about it than I do.”
    â€œPrince Golyat has stationed patrols and armsmen at all the major entry points to Merowey—in the port towns, anyway.” Laryn stopped and nodded to another mage-guard who was seating himself. “Devalyn, this is Rahl.”
    â€œGood to see you.”
    â€œAnd you, too,” replied Rahl.
    In the entry to the mess, Rahl could see Taryl, talking to an older mage-guard. Both walked to the senior’s table for men. Taryl glanced at Rahl and nodded, then continued on.
    After that, more mage-guards appeared, and Rahl spent the rest of the meal being introduced. He only talked about Swartheld, and no one else asked about Taryl—or about Recluce or the attempted Jeranyi attack in Swartheld.

    Breakfast on oneday was little different from the evening meal on eightday, save that Rahl was introduced to even more mage-guards. Unlike the mess in Swartheld, Rahl found that there were fully as many mage-guards who had order-skills as chaos-skills, although he did not sense any who approached Taryl in strength…unless some of the older mage-guards had such subtle shields that he could not ascertain their true strength, and that was certainly possible. Once more, he only mentioned his vague assignment to Taryl and did his best to talk about Swartheld. After he had eaten, and Taryl had done so with the seniors, Taryl joined Rahl in the foyer outside the mess.
    â€œI’m meeting with Triad Fieryn shortly,” announced the thin-faced and angular mage-guard. “When I know more, I’ll get back to you. I’ve already arranged for you to spar with Khedren this morning. He’s the headquarters armsmaster, and he should be able to teach you something about how to handle a falchiona with less strain.”
    Rahl wondered if that could be

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