Anarchist Book 5: (An MC Serial Novel) Book 5

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Book: Anarchist Book 5: (An MC Serial Novel) Book 5 by Jordan Silver Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jordan Silver
haven’t really had that much use for female companionship, my mind was occupied elsewhere.
    But every once in a while the old urge would be on me and I would find an outlet. Thank fuck I had the good sense not to dip my wick in the same pot more than once lest I give people ideas.
    I passed her off to one of the guys and had her escorted off the property with orders not to return.
    That’s something I learned in the army, never excuse fucked up behavior and there’re no second chances.
    I was cleaning up house, sifting out the unworthy. I still had to protect her until everything cleared.
    The asshole that had attacked her that first day was long gone. Now that Royce was out of the picture, it really didn’t matter who had been working for him, but I didn’t want to take the chance of any of them hanging around here.
    I wasn’t expecting too much trouble out of Junior, except for if he came looking for Travis’ new bride, but that was the least of my worries.
    I walked back into the club, which was empty this time of day, with people out working, or otherwise occupied; all except my annoying wife.
    She blushed at me and hung her head. Now she’s shy again, I can’t keep up with her shit.
    “There something I can do for you Dana, I thought I told you not to come in here?”
    “I know, but I’m bored and you won’t let me do anything or go anywhere.” She has the prettiest pout; and since when did I become a girl?
    “Where would you like to go? Things haven’t settled down completely around here as yet and I don’t want you anywhere but here until they do.
    I told you to stay in the house out of sight until I can put some shit in place to keep you safe.
    You fancy yourself under another Royce Davis against your will?” It was mean to say it like that, but it was the truth.
    Her old man for some fucked up reason seemed hell bent on selling her, or so the rumor mill had it. I wasn’t sure what the fuck was going on there, or even if there was any truth to it, but I wasn’t taking any chances.
    “No of course not.” Her face went up in flames.
    “Well then, do as you’re told.” I knew that shit wasn’t about to happen. She’d proven that she didn’t follow orders for shit, but I could always hope.
    I turned to walk back to the office and she ran to keep up with my long stride. “Well then, can I help you?”
    “Help me do what?”
    “I don’t know; what is it that you do around here? I can keep the books; I was a cracker jack at accounting. Or at least let me cook for the men, I’m an excellent cook as you well know.”
    “My wife isn’t the damn cook.”
    “But I’m not your wife remember?” She had the damn nerve to bat her lashes at me.
    “Throwing my words back in my face is a sure way to get your ass in trouble. Now why don’t you head on back to the house and I’ll be there later for you to annoy me?”
    Her back went ramrod straight and her eyes spat fire; the fuck was her problem now? “I’m very sorry to have annoyed you, it won’t happen again.”
    She pretty much huffed her way out the door without a backward glance. Did she have to walk like that, so that her ass swayed under her dress? I’ve lost my fucking mind.
    If there’s one thing keeping me from tipping over that line, it’s the fact that she dresses like a lady.
    No unnecessary skin showing, no tit shots or too tight jeans. This way I was able to control my baser instincts when we were alone together in that big old house.
    I don’t think I could’ve dealt with her sweetness, her slight flirtations and a naked ass all at once. But if she was going to move her ass like that when she walked...I just shook my head and went about my business.
    I need to get laid and soon, it’s been way too long. I’m pretty sure Dana Sue would take offense if I nailed one of the sheep that hung around here, and since I wasn’t about to dig myself in any deeper with her, I might have to rub one out.

Chapter 2
    I pretty much

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