The General's Virgin Slave
my sexual contentment."
    Amanda crawled as far as her chain
would let her go and sat there, breathing hard, furious. "If I am a
witch, aren't you afraid I might put a curse on you?"
    He squinted at her, hands resting on
his hard, broad thighs. Even spent, she realized, his cock was an
impressive size. Everything about Marcus Cassius was larger than
life. Including his ego.
    "I fear nothing, woman. Nor do I
believe in magical spells. The only power you have is pure sexual
allure. 'Tis not supernatural. And I have great willpower to resist
pussy when I wish to. No desire for you will ever overcome my good
sense. Whoever sent you to me underestimated the great Marcus
    She gazed at him, half amused, half
    After using her so brutishly, he
yawned and settled into his bed, forgetting her.
    Or pretending to.
    Well, she'd see about that.

Chapter Six
    Thus began a battle of two strong
wills. The Roman general, intent on proving he could ignore her,
sent "Axa" to the slave quarters the following morning and decreed
that she should work alongside the others until she learned
gratitude and humility.
    Humility. As if he even knew what that
    Amanda put her mind to the work she
was given and didn't even look at him when he passed through the
atrium with muddy sandals, freshly marking the tiles she'd just
scrubbed clean.
    In fact, the work helped her mind
settle. It gave her something practical on which to focus for a
while. After the shock of finding herself there and being captured
by Marcus, there hadn't been much time to catch her breath. As the
days passed with no sign of normalcy returning to her life, Amanda
decided to start planning for her future as a slave in this world.
She'd have to survive in it as best she could. Make friends, if
possible. Allies.
    But the other female slaves were wary
of her and kept a careful distance. It seemed they too, like the
embittered Julia who oversaw their work, were doubtful of her
motives and jealous of the marked attention the general had shown
her. Julia, of course, took spiteful delight in her downfall and
when she found Amanda on her hands and knees cleaning a covered
passage she made the most of it.
    "Kicked this out of his bed already,
eh? I knew his fancy wouldn't last for this sorry creature." She
pushed her foot between Amanda's legs, poking her sharply in an
intimate place with the toe of her sandal. "He soon tired of that
    Amanda bit her tongue and said
nothing. Flavian had quietly warned her to watch out for Julia's
sting. He called Julia a "viper" and now it was clear
    "He might not want you marked, slut,
but I can still hurt you." She moved her foot again, prodding her
arse harder. "A few bruises can easily be explained away." Now she
pressed the sole of her sandal on Amanda's left buttock, probably
leaving a dusty footprint. "If the general wasn't so particular
about his slaves, I'd let the guards have a go at you. That's what
they do in most houses when the slaves are mouthy." Then she leaned
over Amanda and hissed. "But once you're out of his favor for good,
then I can have my fun with you. And this." She showed Amanda a
stick with a pointed end, attached to a broken knife hilt. Then she
reached around and jabbed the point into Amanda's buttock. "Sluts
who don't heed me get pricked all over." She stuck it again in her
other buttock and laughed cruelly. "Outside and in, if you get my
drift. Now bend over and I'll show you where else it
    Amanda swiveled around and punched
Julia in her gut. The woman dropped her makeshift weapon, slipped
on the wet floor and tumbled back onto her arse with a shocked,
breathless curse. "Oh, you'll get it now, slave," she
    "We'll see who gets it ." Amanda picked
up the stick, stepping firmly on the other woman's reaching hand
and grinding down hard with her foot. Suddenly a cluster of female
slaves appeared, as if they came out of the walls.
    Julia lay in an undignified sprawl,
but none of the

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