Saving Jax

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Book: Saving Jax by Ramona Gray Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ramona Gray
Tags: Romance
offered me a job.”
    “He what?”  Mel gave him a look of surprise.
    “He offered me a job.  He said I could work for him, doing errands after school and on the weekends or I could go to juvie.  I chose the job.”
    “You were only twelve, Jax.”
    “Yeah, but Mr. Golden saved my life that day.  The money I earned helped keep me from starving and he was, well, he was good to me.  He sort of adopted me, I guess you could say.  Made sure I stayed in school, he always said that education was important, and he bought me clothes and supplies for school.  When I graduated from high school, I started working for him full time.”
    “What did you do?”
    “By that time, he had opened his first night club.  I worked as a waiter and continued to do personal errands for him.  I joined a local boxing club and learned to fight.”
    “Did you box professionally?”
    “I did a few fights but Mr. Golden said I was wasting my talent so I quit.”
    “To become his bodyguard?”  Mel said skeptically.  “That sounds like a waste of your talents.”
    “I’m very good at what I do.”
    “I’m sure you are.  But is that what you wanted for your life?  Protecting a – a drug dealer?”
    “He’s a businessman, Melanie.”
    “Is he?”
    He was lying.  She shouldn’t have known that, she barely knew the man, but she knew instinctively that he wasn’t telling the truth.  She sighed as he parked on the street outside of Court’s apartment building and shut the car off.  This was why she couldn’t sleep with him.  The man worked for a drug dealer and getting involved with him, even if it was only one night, was a dangerous risk.  And she didn’t do dangerous.  She did stable and reliable.  Always had and always would.
    “Thank you, Jax.”  She reached for the door handle and he touched her shoulder.
    “Maybe I should follow you home, just to be certain you arrive safe.”
    She laughed.  “I’m perfectly fine.  But thank you.  It was um, good to see you again.  Take care.”
    She slid out of the car before he could reply and slammed the door shut before walking briskly to her car.  Every nerve in her body was screaming at her to take him up on his offer and she ignored it grimly as she unlocked her car and sat behind the wheel.
    He’s bad for you, Thomas.  Just drive away.
    She started the car and sat for a moment, staring in the rear view mirror at Jax’s car.  When he didn’t move, she pulled out on to the street.  He got out of his car, his face was a mask of frustration, and she watched curiously as he popped the hood.  She drove up beside him and rolled down her window as he slammed the hood shut.
    He sat in the driver’s seat, cursing under his breath when he turned the key and there was nothing but a dry clicking noise.  Fighting back the urge to giggle, she smiled sweetly at him.
    “How’s that reliable car working out for you?”
    He sighed loudly.  “I suppose I deserved that.”
    “You totally did,” she laughed.  “Do you need a ride home?”
    He sighed again.  “You’re really enjoying this, aren’t you?”
    “I really am.”
    He suddenly grinned at her, her breath caught in her throat at the sight, before sliding out of his car and slamming the door shut.  “Yes, Ms. Thomas.  I would be delighted if you could give me a ride home.”
    “Wait, you didn’t plan this did you?”  She asked suspiciously.
    “Yes, I planned for my very expensive car to break down in front of a woman I’m trying valiantly to have sex with, in the hopes that it would make her feel sorry for me and perhaps throw me some pity sex,” he said.  “Is it working?”
    “No, not really.”
    “Cruel, Ms. Thomas.  And here I was thinking you were the sweetest girl I’d ever met.”
    She laughed again.  “Get in.  I’ll give you a ride home.”
    He climbed into the car and clasped his hands together like a

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