A Life Plan Without You.
strongest feelings
ever, for a girl I had never spoken to and only watched from afar
for so long.
    I fell in love with the notion of being like you, carefree and
happy, I wanted you in my life to help me change, and stupid as it
sounds you being in my life has changed it and for the better, but
actually having you here I can’t believe it, and your kisses are
worth all the freezing and wet days I’ve had to watch my idiot
brother fawn over you. Get me I was the older Idiot brother fawning
over you too.” He said that laughing as I punched his side and he
continued laughing as he held my hand.
    “Continue please I want to get to the interesting bit.” He
frowned. “Oh, please do carry on it seems, I’m about to choose the
wrong brother.” His face lit up, his eyes almost sparkling as he
let out a deep and long sigh.
    “So you are going to pick me then?” I’d already decided yes
seven wonderful weeks ago, without the kisses, let him suffer a
while longer two more minutes isn’t going to hurt him.
    “Explain why me? Now that you have, I think explained the very
simple question that started this entire conversation off… How did
you know where l lived?” He blushed. “So, you stopped tailing me
    “Erg… Well… I haven’t… Not… Well, really I… I don’t follow you
everywhere and not every day, just on my way back from uni I watch
you, if I’m lucky you’re playing hockey. Without spooking you, I
was and I am hooked and for the love of Mike, I didn’t know why? I
still don’t properly it’s not as if we’ve spoken or anything. There
was and there is, just something about you… Your just fun to watch
and be around, sorry near...” He laughed nervously and hugged me
    “I’ve been watching you in dance class too, which I started by
the way, after watching you dance down the alley, I started classes
hoping I could perhaps use this dancing lark as a way to get to
know you, I guess that worked?” I nodded! “I waited for some clue,
to see if you could be interested in me, you know when I changed
shoes, before class watching you? I sort of hoped you would just
talk to me, but the smiles and the sneaky peeks from the back
stairs had me convinced you liked me a little bit, you did watch me
a lot, didn’t you? Talking of which, why did you run off crying
last week? I was coming to see if you were alright, but Lee picked
you up and danced and all seemed right with you?”
    “You saw me crying? I thought I was so ninja like in my
stalking you, you it seems do it better than me Sam! Oh lord
really, you want to know why?”
    “Really I
    “If you must know, I’d just seen you and Lana dance together
and wished it was me you were dancing with like that, I wished they
were my eyes you were looking into. Shit Sam talking’s a two way
thing and I really thought you were with Leggy!
    I was however a tad delusional; yes I really did think I could
perhaps get you to notice me using my
wittiness and my stunning repartee! I lived in high hopes that you
would then hopefully want to be with me and I could win you away
from her, but really I didn’t think I stood a chance because she is
stunning and way more worldly than me.
    I was
convinced that you and she were… Err… Shit at it and you and her
were getting down to it, and that was before I saw you two dance
the Argentinian Tango and boy watching you both nearly have sex on
the dance floor, put an end to my stupid fantasies and I ran
upstairs heartbroken and well I was going to talk to you tonight
I’d decided I was giving you one chance to talk to me too and then
moving on if nothing happened. So I had decided to stun you with a
simple hello, I guess falling at your feet worked?
    Yes, I noticed you stop grinning, and now you know how long I
have been lusting after you Sam, and now I’ve told you how I feel,
so feel free to laugh at how wrong I was! You could have walked up
to me seven weeks ago and I would have said yes…! Who’d

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