A Common Scandal

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Authors: Amanda Weaver
well what was behind this invitation. It was what lay behind most invitations she received from proper young ladies. People invited Amelia because she was bound to say or do something outrageous, which was always entertaining for them. But tonight she wasn’t feeling inclined to be the dancing monkey for a bunch of Society misses, certainly not at a house party that would last for a week, without a friendly face to make it bearable.
    “You are not allowed to refuse me, Miss Wheeler. I’m quite desperate. It’s Papa’s party, you see, and he’s invited all these dreadful bores from the House of Lords, so they can go shoot things and discuss parliamentary issues. I simply must round up some young people to keep things lively or I shall go mad. Please promise me you’ll come.”
    Amelia opened her mouth to refuse again, but then Lady Julia, of all people, appealed to her. “Please say you’ll come, Miss Wheeler. We shall be quite dull otherwise.” Lady Julia had been something of an enigma since she first made her come out. She was twenty-four, or thereabouts, quite past her prime as a debutante. She was an earl’s daughter, and reasonably attractive, so her continued unmarried state was something of a mystery. It might have something to do with her manner. While not arrogant, there was something reserved about her, as if she was observing everyone around her without ever truly engaging. Amelia thought she must have crossed paths with Lady Julia a hundred times before but she still knew almost nothing about her. Except her father was an earl and now Nate seemed to fancy her.
    “I would have to speak to my father...”
    Lady Evelyn sensed an opening and pounced. “So many delightful young gentlemen have already promised they’ll attend. Robert Ponsoy, Anthony Batchelder, Will Thistlethwaite, you know...that whole Cambridge gang. And tonight I’ve managed to coax Mr. Cheadle and Lord Radwill into coming.”
    Lord Radwill. A house party. A week in close company. It was an opportunity to secure him she couldn’t pass up.
    Amelia smiled brightly. “You make it sound like such fun. Of course I’d love to come.”
    “Oh, how delightful! I’ll send ’round the formal invitation tomorrow. We’ll have such sport! Say, you’re acquainted with Mr. Smythe, aren’t you?”
    Did the flush of horror she felt through her whole body manifest itself on her face? “Um...yes. We were friendly as children.” Lady Evelyn stepped forward and curled her hand into the crook of Amelia’s arm. Her green eyes were bright and the expression on her face was rapacious. “Then I’m sure you won’t mind at all if I impose on you to convince him to come.”
    “You want me to invite Mr. Smythe to come?”
    “Oh, I’ve already invited him, but he was entirely too diffident. Please convince him to come.”
    Amelia took one look at the gleam in Lady Evelyn’s eyes and thought it was probably in Nate’s best interest to stay as far away from this house party as he could manage. But Lady Julia spoke up again.
    “Yes, please do convince him we’re hoping for his attendance.”
    She couldn’t read anything in Julia’s expression. No one could ever read anything in Julia Harrow’s expression. But she sounded almost...hopeful. The way she and Nate had chatted earlier in the evening, it seemed possible the impenetrable Lady Julia Harrow might be penetrated at last—by Nate. The thought made her physically ill. But then again, she’d brushed aside what had happened between them, insisting it didn’t matter. It couldn’t matter. He had every right to pursue his own interests. Even if his interest was the lovely, enigmatic Lady Julia.
    “I’ll speak to him.” The words felt like broken glass in her throat.
    “Wonderful!” Lady Evelyn enthused. “We’ll see you and your father in Kent, then? Oh, will your dear mother be able to come?”
    If Amelia had forgotten for one moment what she was about, that question dragged her firmly

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