The Jewels of Sofia Tate
meet him there.”
    Laura’s eyes suddenly flicked over to Garnet, a couple of paces behind Dan. “Is she with you?” she asked.
    â€œUh, yeah,” Dan replied. “This is Garnet. She’s new in town. Garnet, this is Laura and Michelle,” he said pointing at each.
    Laura’s eyebrows arched upward. “Hey, Garnet.” She turned back to Dan and gave him a meaningful glance before exchanging another with Michelle.
    â€œHi,” Garnet said, coming forward, a slight uneasiness creeping in.
    â€œHi,” Michelle said. She stole an awkward sideways glance at Justin, standing off to the side, before looking back.
    An unexpected cool breeze chilled Garnet even through her jacket and she hugged her arms, suddenly eager to go home.
I don’t belong here,
she thought.
I don’t know these people, but they know each other well. Too well.
What were all these silent messages they were sending each other?
    â€œWell, we better go. Dad’s probably waiting for us. See you tomorrow,” Laura said, casting one more look in Dan’s direction.
    The girls disappeared into the departing crowd and as Garnet headed into the opposite direction with Dan and Justin, she thought she heard them giggle. Were they giggling about her? There was definitely something odd about it. What was it? Dan had told them that Garnet was with him. But he wasn’t her boyfriend. Not even apotential one. He was only a friendly guy who happened to be in the park with her, and she was just tagging along like some pathetic puppy. Garnet shoved her hands into the pockets of her jacket.
    Dan turned to Justin. “So, what’s up with you and Michelle?”
    â€œOh, I don’t know, man. She’s gone all serious on me. She must’ve gotten the wrong idea when we went out with her and Laura last week.” So that was it, Garnet thought. The four of them had gone out on a double date and now Dan was here with Garnet. That would explain a few things. “Anyway, she wants to go to the formal with me and I told her that was fine but I only wanted to be friends, and that’s all. Now she’s gone all weird.”
    â€œSo what’re you going to do?” Dan asked.
    Justin shrugged. “I dunno. Let her cool off, I guess. I don’t even know if I want to go. I hate those things. Do you remember the junior one?”
    Dan laughed. “I didn’t go, but you make it sound like it was torture.”
    â€œIt was, buddy. It was.”
    They reached the spot where they had left Garnet’s mother earlier, but the crowd had already cleared and she was nowhere to be found.
    â€œWell, I guess my mother must’ve gone home,” Garnet said. “So, I’ll see you guys later. Thanks.” Shestarted to walk away but had gone only a few paces when she felt a tug at her arm.
    â€œHey, you’re not going by yourself,” said Dan. “We’ll walk you home.”
    â€œWhy?” Garnet asked.
    â€œIt’s not safe downtown after dark.”
    â€œOh, please,” she said, rolling her eyes. “It’s just a short walk.”
    â€œI’m serious. Where do you live?” Dan asked.
    Garnet told him and they continued to walk. She listened while he and Justin talked about the Blue Jays, their losing streak against the White Sox, and yesterday’s game, which they had gone to see, as they cut across the park and up Garnet’s street. The porch lamp was on and a faint light shone through the living room curtains when they arrived at the townhouse.
    â€œThanks, guys.”
    â€œNo problem. My car’s actually parked just over there,” Dan replied, pointing to the black Grand Am a little way down the street. He pulled the car keys from his pocket. “See you around, Garnet.”
    â€œYeah, see you,” said Justin with a wave of his hand.
    Later, as Garnet waited in bed for sleep to come, she thought of what Dan had said about

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