Master of Dragons

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Book: Master of Dragons by Angela Knight Read Free Book Online
Authors: Angela Knight
was the dream man she’d blasted with everything she had, not an hour ago. Nineva winced. “I’m so sorry. I knew something evil was after me, and when you showed up…”
    His blue brows lifted. “You assumed I was it?”
    She felt her cheeks heat. “I couldn’t take the chance you weren’t.”
    â€œConsidering what just happened, I guess that’s understandable.” He gave her a speculative glance. “Impressive firepower, by the way. The last time I got hit that hard, it was by another dragon.”
    â€œI should have saved it for Arralt.” Sighing, she transformed her armor back into a red T-shirt and jeans. “We might not be in this mess.”
    Ruby eyes narrowed as he studied her. “Did you know you’re glowing? That mark…”
    She glanced down at the Goddess Mark. It should have been concealed by the fabric. Instead it radiated through like a flashlight beam, even brighter than it usually was after she’d used her powers. Her heart lifted a little at the sight of it. “I’m still linked to Semira. Maybe we can use it to find the sword.” If the link had survived, maybe she hadn’t failed. Yet, anyway.
    And the dragon was human, so making love with him to feed the goddess wasn’t impossible. Just damned uncomfortable. How was she going to explain this to him?
    As for her nightmares—well, she couldn’t afford to let them stop her anymore. If she had to die to prevent the Dark Ones from invading, so be it. No matter what Arralt thought, she wasn’t a coward. She’d do her duty.
    â€œThat’s an awfully grim expression.” The dragon warrior tilted his head as he studied her.
    â€œI’m thinking pretty grim thoughts.”
    â€œDon’t worry, kid, we’ll figure it out.” He thrust a big hand out at her. “Let’s try this again. Kel, at your service.”
    She took his hand cautiously. His skin felt warm and smooth and strong—and thoroughly human. “Nineva Morrow. So are you a human who assumes dragon form, or…”
    â€œNope.” Kel gave her palm a gentle squeeze before releasing her. “I’m a dragon who prefers being human. Most of the time, anyway. Sometimes it’s handy being forty feet long and scaly.”
    â€œYeah, I can see how it would be.” Her hand tingled oddly where he’d grasped it.
    Nineva watched as he conjured a dimensional gate with a practiced flick of his hand. Suddenly she was intensely aware of him—his height, his broad-shouldered build, the elegance in those long, tapered fingers. At least seducing him won’t be a hardship. “Where are we going?”
    He turned back to look at her. His nostrils flared as if catching her scent. One corner of his mouth quirked up in a knowing half-smile, and his eyes heated. “Avalon. My home.”
    Alarm jolted her from her need. “But we need to look for the sword now!”
    â€œAnd Avalon is full of powerful witches who can help us track down your magic butter knife.” He gave her a charming smile and laid a hand on her shoulder. “It seems we’re going to be partners, Nineva. You’ll have to trust me.”
    She felt her cheeks grow warm as those strong fingers gave her a comforting squeeze. It was obviously intended as a friendly gesture, but her body seemed intent on interpreting it as something else. “Trust isn’t my best thing.”
    â€œYeah, I’ve noticed that about you.” He gave her a gentle push toward the gate. “Give it a shot anyway.”
    Nineva gave him a searching look over one shoulder, trying to ignore the sizzle and burn running through her blood.
    Then she stepped through the gate.
    Simmering with frustrated rage, Arralt walked through the dimensional doorway into brilliant, shimmering sunlight. He snarled at the glare. He’d almost had the little bitch. If that thrice-cursed

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