the family name and so, for the final six months of the pregnancy, she and her sister were sent to a private location and when they returned her sister was carrying a new baby daughter: the sister in question being already married with one son: To all, outside the immediate family circle, Commander Rachmel is considered to be the Childs’ aunt.”
       There was silence as Miles struggled to absorb this information: he could feel his heart thumping against his rib cage and the sudden surge of blood being driven around inside his brain almost caused him to pass out.
       Eventually, he regained his composure and then said “But I’ve met her family, many times: I’ve seen her niece and I have to say she doesn’t look anything like the Commander; and how can you possibly have information like that when no one else knows? This has to be an error, you’ve got it wrong this time.” 
       Andretta’s smile did not reach her eyes. “You are quite right, the child does not look like her mother, but she does look like her father and as for the quality of my information; be advised that the Agency knows everyone’s everything; that is, every person on Earth. If you would like a demonstration I could call up my files and tell you the date that you first masturbated.” 
       Miles became aware that his jaw was hanging open; he looked at her as he waited for the punch line, but one was not apparent: the woman was deadly serious and suddenly, he didn’t want to be there; he felt devastated, soiled, raped: he had peered into the murky waters of the Agency and did not like what he had seen.
       Everything he had ever heard about Agents was true; these weren’t people, they were creatures: little wonder they were referred to as ghosts. He was acutely aware of being both fearful and hateful of Andretta at the same time: he had to get out. 
       Without another word, Miles rose and made for the door: as the door opened he turned and said, angrily, “How the hell do you people sleep at night?”
       Andretta shrugged her shoulders and replied “We lie down and close our eyes, just like everyone else, Leading Engineer.”
       Miles stormed out of the room, failing to see the figure standing off to the side in the corridor, and made his way to his quarters, leaving the Hoverbug by the doorway.
    Rachmel watched as Miles disappeared into his quarters and then, in a low voice, she instructed the mainframe, “Hoverbug in this section to parking bay.”
    Immediately, the vehicle that Miles had used moved off in search of an empty bay and, locating one a few metres away, it stopped. As a panel in the bulkhead slid noiselessly the hoverbug moved sideways into the opening, the door closing silently again once the vehicle had entered. 
       Rachmel placed her hand on the door entry pad to Andretta’s quarters and a few seconds later the door opened. She stepped inside and waited for the door to close behind her. 
       Andretta was standing, facing her, “Commander, please come in.” 
       They both sat facing each other, neither wanting to be the first to speak; after a few long moments Rachmel decided she was not going to win the disarming stare contest, for this kind of behaviour was bread and butter to an Agent; she tried another tack. 
       “So, how do you sleep at night, Agent Andretta?” 
       Without pause, the woman answered “I sleep very well, Commander, better than you do yourself, in fact; perhaps a consultation with the good Medical Officer Coles may be of benefit.” 
       Rachmel couldn’t tell if she were being serious or sarcastic; it was true that she wasn’t sleeping well and she had intended to speak to Coles about it; but how in hell had this woman known? Had she bugged the whole vessel and was now watching everyone on board? Or could she read a person so well that she knew what they were thinking and feeling?
       As if reading her mind Andretta suddenly asked “Perhaps there is

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