Tempted By The Knight (Medieval MFM Menage Romance)
continued to kiss her feet; licking her toes through the opening in her sandals before stealing up beneath her flowing skirts of ivory silk to run a long, adoring tongue up the length of her exposed legs.
    Standing tall and proud at her back, Magnus wrapped his arms around her sturdy waist and pulled her flush up against the planes of his hard, sculpted body; her back pressed tight against his massive muscled chest as the lustrous strands of his fire red hair brushed gentle against the back of her neck.
    “Relax and let us love you, milady,” he whispered in her ear, dipping his hands into her firm muscled shoulders and massaging away her work worn tension. “Let us prove our worth as your kings.”
    Turning her head to engage her fire-haired lover in a heated, passionate kiss, their lips meeting and melding between them as their tongues entangled. An enraptured Astrid leaned into his kiss, moaning against his lush, moist lips as he reached beneath the fabric of her airy ivory dress and kneaded her bare breasts—flicking her nipples until they stood erect beneath his attentions.
    Down below his fair-haired brother delivered his own intimate massage, his strong but nurturing hands rubbing her hips and thighs as she sighed with delight.
    And just as Magnus kissed her senseless and continued to rub and massage her skin, his brother graced their queen with an intimate kiss; stealing farther up her skirts to kiss and lick open her sensitive feminine folds.
    Spreading and bracing her legs to allow him greater access, Astrid writhed wild against the body of an equally impassioned Magnus, who continued to knead her breasts and rub his lips soft against hers. Then she gasped outright as Eirik fixed his own full, moist lips around her throbbing clit and suckled her nice and slow, sending shards of pure erotic pleasure careening wild through every part of her body.
    Letting loose with an ecstatic moan, Astrid threw her head back to bask in the heat of the sol (her people’s word for sun) as a supportive Magnus clutched her to him and gyrated his rock hard hips in a blatant tease against her fleshy derriere—all the while raining her sensitive neck with a veritable rain of sweet, delicate kisses.
    “From this day, forward, Love, we are together in ast,” he whispered in her ear the word for love.
    Echoing and enhancing this sentiment, Eirik leaned his head farther upward to shift his lush blond head from side to side; this move intensifying the feel of his soft, moist lips against her throbbing clit even as his silken gold strands brushed the length of her bare naked thighs.  Soon his long, wet tongue joined the fray, licking and laving her delicate skin as he set her body afire. The afternoon winds snuck beneath her skirt to further tickle and tease her; and as she bucked her strong, trim hips forward to intensify the pleasure, Astrid’s eyes flew wide to take in an ebullient kaleidoscope of sun, sea and sky.
    Finally Eirik graced her throbbing nub with a last, resounding lick, sending her across the bounds of an intense, incredible orgasm.
    Astrid felt kissed by sol itself as her entire body reverberated in a rain of sheer erotic sparks; her pussy gushing and her heart pounding as an affectionate Magnus swept her up in his big strong arms and swung her back and forth. He cradled her in a tender embrace while lowering her body to the deck beneath them.
    Laying her trim, hard body down the length of the silk woven scarlet rug that bore the image of her symbolic swan, Magnus joined his brother in rising to their feet before her. Both holding her gaze as they slowly and deliberately stripped away their gleaming suits of shining battle armor, their ultra-tight chain mail shirts, and their shiny black leather pantaloons—revealing at once their bronzed, massive chests, their long trim legs and rock hard hips, and long, hard shafts that seemed to salute the presence of their queen.
    “Aye, I am a most fortunate queen,” Astrid

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