Fighting For Her Dragon

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Book: Fighting For Her Dragon by Julia Mills Read Free Book Online
Authors: Julia Mills
it truly exists, but it is nothing we cannot handle. I have sent word to Malachi. It has been his life’s work to study every occurrence of the Special Ones throughout our history. As for the others mentioned in the document, we can worry about that later. Just as you have been taught all of your lives…tackle what you know, the rest will fall into place. I have no doubt each of you has the heart to protect what means the most.” The older gentlemen laid his fist to his chest. “And the brains to know what is important.” He pointed to his temple. “I am sure Malachi will be able to guide us through what is to come.”
    The stunned awe on every face in the cavern would have been comical had the looks not come from cataclysmic news. No one spoke. None moved. Emma wondered if they were breathing. In the years she’d spent with the dragons, she’d never been privy to the inner workings and wondered if Kyra had a spell to turn back time.
    Being in the ‘in-group’ isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.
    Carrick, someone Emma had always held in high esteem, added, “You must remember all your training. Dragons do not give up. We are the Universe’s chosen and as such, She will constantly test our resolve, our strength, and our ability to join together in pursuit of a common goal. But She will never give us anything we cannot overcome.”
    Aidan was the first to regain his composure. “I understand what you’re saying, but we’re dancing around the obvious. Andrew is gone…dead. How can he be present? How can he accept the Blessing, let alone present it to the Blue Dragons, if he is in Hell? Is there another Special One we don’t know about?”
    “But he’s not.” A tiny little voice came from the back of the room.
    Acting as one and reminding Emma of marionettes, the entire group turned one hundred and eighty degrees and looked at the little girl that had just spoken. The beautifully bright child sat playing with her dolls as if she didn’t have a care in the world.
    Because she doesn’t. Somehow the little beauty is hooked into the Universe more than any of us. She’s got a behind the scenes look and isn’t worried at all.
    Sam and Lance were kneeling next to their daughter, obviously embarrassed at her outburst and asking what the child had meant. Emma caught movement out of the corner of her eye. Turning, she saw Carrick and Zachary making their way towards the family. Once there, both Elders sat down on the stone floor beside the child. Not something that happened every day.
    Sydney looked up and smiled at both men before confirming her previous statement. “Andrew’s not dead, least not all the way, and he’s not in…” She stopped and looked at her mom, who smiled and nodded. “Hell,” the little girl whispered.
    Both Elders chuckled, then Zachary asked, “And how do you know that, Sydney?”
    “First, I saw him but couldn’t talk to him, and then I got to talk to him. He’s not so bad, ya’ know?”
    She crooked her index finger and made a ‘come here’ motion. When the Elders faces were next to hers, she whispered, “He wants to come back really bad. Emma’s his mate and he’s worried something’s gonna happen to her. I think he already kinda loves her and she’s thinking about him lots.” Sydney stopped and Emma wished she knew how to make herself invisible as everyone looked at her like she was crazy.
    Why are they surprised? I told them we were mates. I even yelled in public.
    “Where is he, Sydney? Can we talk to him?” Carrick asked, the authority of years of leadership making his words more resounding…more forceful.
    “Andrew called it the Fades. Don’t know what that is except for a dark, blank place. Andrew’s dragon is there too. He’s not happy ‘bout it at all. He chuffs a lot and blows smoke.”
    “I see,” Zachary absentmindedly answered as he stood.
    Emma heard commotion outside the cavern just a second before Malachi, the Spiritual Elder of their clan,

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