The Last Wolf: A Highplains Shifter Erotic Romance (Wolf Fire Book 1)

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Book: The Last Wolf: A Highplains Shifter Erotic Romance (Wolf Fire Book 1) by Alice Longstaff Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alice Longstaff
Tags: Romance, Adult, Erotic Romance Fiction, Shifter
Wolf-People. We wolves are hard to kill, so they went for the eagles, massacring them. It was genocide, hundreds were killed on both sides, but eventually none of the Eagle-Folk were left, it meant The Prophesy could not come true, that the last lion would not be killed by a shifter, but also that the promised chief who would save the three races could never be born.”
    The horrible realisation of why I was here struck me and I felt sick, as if all the amazing experiences of the last few days had suddenly been ripped from my core and replaced with a swirling sea of bile. “You’ve kept me here to mate with me! All that talk about setting the wild in me free, all that time we spent together, I thought we were developing a connection but you just wanted to get me pregnant, to knock me up because of some stupid poem your parents told you. I can’t believe you lied to me like that. I can’t believe you used me!”
    “Wait, that’s not how it happened!” Hakan protested. “Well, maybe at first I was thinking about The Prophesy, but afterwards I, I’ve started to fall in love with you.”
    I pulled my bandaged arm from his lap “How can I believe anything you say? You’ve been playing me since the moment I met you.” I thought back to when he had approached me in the bar, the wonderful feeling I had got when he chose me over Cassie, how nice it had been to be singled out as the attractive one for the first time in my life. Now I knew why.
    “I’ll be leaving with the others tomorrow morning. I would prefer it if you did not speak to me again.” I said, standing up and walking to the door.

Chapter Eleven
    “So?” Said Cassie, clinking her bottle against mine, “now I’ve finally got you out are you going to tell me about the rest of your time out there with Mr Big Dick.”
    “I don’t want to talk about it.” I said, I tried not to meet her eyes and kept my head down, concentrating on picking the label from my bottle of beer. I’d gotten back to the city a few weeks earlier but I’d been refusing to pick up her calls or respond to her messages since then. I’d just wanted to be alone with my thoughts.
    I couldn’t believe I’d allowed myself to be taken for a ride so easily. All my life I’d been told not to trust men, that they were only going to use you for your body, and then I finally found one I thought I had a connection to, one who I believed was different, one who was starting to bring out the real me, and it turns out he was only paying me attention because of some hundred-year-old mumbo-jumbo he’d been fed, I was getting a horrible feeling my mother might have been right about the male half of the species all along.
    The worst thing was that I genuinely was starting to discover new things about myself under his tutorage, powerful new things. Alone in my apartment I would obsess over the way my body had felt under his hands, the pleasure he had given me, the way his big cock had felt inside me. Since I had returned from the prairie I had even started touching myself, it made me feel guilty and sick to do it, but every time I slid my hands between my thighs it had been him I was thinking of, him riding me by the fire, or his tongue between my legs.
    I’d even been able to make myself cum at home, Cassie would probably be proud of me if I told her, she had been telling me that I needed to start paying attention to my body for years, but there was no way I was going to speak about something so private. I was paranoid that my new neighbours in the condo would hear me through the super-thin walls, so I bit down hard on a pillow at every orgasm.
    I had been chasing that feeling of removal from myself, of flying above my body and looking down like the eagle Hakan and Earl had believed me to be, but I couldn’t find it, couldn’t let the wildness out. Each time I felt I was on the edge, when I could just kick my legs out and scream in pleasure I’d think of my elderly neighbours and freeze, so

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