Shedding the Demon

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Book: Shedding the Demon by Bill Denise Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bill Denise
building was accessible solely by water, and numerous docks spread out from
its base looking like a grass skirt floating on the water.
    More than an office building as well, Renard had spent his
whole life here. He grew up sailing on the waters of the lake, hiking through
the mountains, and rafting down the wild river. The building was known
throughout the Consensus as “The Spire,” while he simply called it “Home.” His
childhood rooms were near the top of the building, and much of his education
took place on the lower floors. Looking back, he might say that the greatest
education took place right here, in this office, with his great uncle Izar
Trueblood, head of the Council before Renard. From an early age, Izar
recognized that Renard had the right combination of skills, intelligence, and
drive to become his heir. He began grooming Renard as a boy, and included him
in many of his private meetings and strategy sessions.
    Renard turned from the view and looked across the room to a
picture of his uncle Izar hanging in a place of honor among all of the previous
Trueblood leaders.
    “What would you do, uncle?” he said out loud to the empty
room. “If I ever needed your help, it is now.” He waited for a moment, and
sighed. He missed his uncle acutely even after all these years. He missed his
wise counsel and he missed his engaging personality.
    His reverie was broken by the entry of Jeffrey. “Good
morning,” he said as he entered the room from the secure elevator running
through the core of the building. He knew Renard well, and immediately sensed
his melancholy. “What’s the matter?” he asked simply, sitting down in a nearby
    “What do you know about this Human Augmented—whatever it’s
    Jeffrey looked thoughtful for a moment. “Well, there are
many ways to answer that question. I don’t think you’re asking about the
operational capacity of the subject, nor do you want to know about the costs
for developing the weapon.” He paused, tapping his finger on his chin, “So what
is it you would actually like to discuss?”
    “I’m worried.”
    “I gathered as much”
    “Hmmm. I’m worried about the outcome of this Implanted,
Augmented, Human—could we please give this a better name?” Jeffrey smiled,
while Renard continued, “What will this weapon do to the balance of power in
the Consensus? What will this new approach to solving our problems with a
super-weapon do to the coherence of the Consensus? And finally, and most
worrisome, HOW do we keep this power out of the hands of the Prykes?”
    “Human Implanted Enhancement program—maybe we can get
Avelina to rename it. What do you mean by keeping it away from the Prykes?”
    Renard sat down across from Jeffrey and leaned forward. “I
watched his face as Avelina revealed the details of her weapon. I saw the look
of excitement, avarice, and ambition. He was not concerned about how the
Consensus would benefit from this new development. He was trying to figure out
how it would benefit him directly.”
    “Alexander is ambitious, greedy, and violent, yes, but he
knows he can’t defeat all of us combined.” Jeffrey paused, thoughtful, while
Renard watched him come to the realization. “You think he plans to divide us,
possibly get us to fight each other, and then pick up the pieces?”
    Renard smiled and leaned back, thinking how working with
Jeffrey was almost as good as working with his great-uncle.
    Jeffrey wasn’t done pursuing the thought. He continued, “But
how . . . and how does the Human . . .” he stopped at a
glare from Renard, “how does the new weapon come into play?”
    Renard shook his head as he replied, “I’m not sure exactly.
However, I see it as a wild card, an unpredictable element, and I don’t like
unpredictable elements!”
    Both men were silent as they contemplated the possibilities,
before Jeffrey asked, “But the weapon will be under the control of the Council,
we will be able to

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