Frozen Fear

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Book: Frozen Fear by H. I. Larry Read Free Book Online
Authors: H. I. Larry
Tags: Ebook, book
another, much smaller, ship.
    Fox looked over Zac’s shoulder at the two ships below.
    â€˜The big one’s a luxury cruise ship,’ Fox explained. ‘Rich Americans seal-spotting and looking at the icebergs.’
    â€˜And the smaller ship?’
    â€˜Pirates, probably,’ said Fox.
    â€˜Pirates!’ said Zac, disbelieving.
    Pirates wore eye patches and flew the skull and crossbones. Pirates belonged in children’s storybooks, not in real life.

    â€˜I know it’s hard to believe, but there are modern-day pirates in this area. They storm aboard tourist ships and steal watches, jewellery and cash. Sometimes tourists get even get killed,’ said Fox.
    â€˜There must be something we can do!’ said Zac.
    â€˜This area’s so remote, it’s pretty much impossible to enforce the law,’ Fox said.
    Zac stood up.
    â€˜What are you doing?’ asked Fox, looking alarmed.
    â€˜I’ve just had an idea,’ said Zac.

    Before Fox could stop him, Zac had pulled on a jumpsuit and strapped on his parachute gear. Lastly, Zac strapped a wakeboard to his feet and tied the tow rope firmly to the helicopter’s door handle.
    â€˜Zac! What about the mission?’ said Fox, getting angry.
    Zac checked his watch.
    It was still only 6.43pm.

    What was Fox talking about? He had plenty of time to complete the mission before the team came to pick him up!
    â€˜It’s not safe!’ said Fox, sounding a lot like Zac’s mum.
    But Zac wasn’t listening. Whether it was good or bad for the mission, Zac couldn’t just watch pirates terrorise innocent people.
    Zac opened the helicopter door. A gust of cold sea air blew in. Zac took a deep breath.
    And then he jumped.
    Freefall! No matter how many times Zac jumped from planes and helicopters, his heart always ended up in his mouth.
    A few seconds later, Zac pulled his ripcord and his chute opened.
    But Zac knew sky-diving was the easy bit. Tackling the gang of pirates would be much tougher!
    With a big splash, Zac’s wakeboard hit the water. The helicopter hovered high overhead, dragging him along behind it.
    Zac signalled to the helicopter to move closer to the pirate ship. Fox understood him and flew the helicopter closer and closer to the ship.
    One of Zac’s rules for living was
    So, even though he was in the middle of the sea, speeding towards a pirate ship, Zac had packed his iPod.

    He held onto the tow rope with one hand. With the other, he pulled his iPod out from his pocket. He scrolled through his music collection.
    Yes…there it was! Maria Vendetta Sings Italian Opera Classics.
    Zac kept a couple of really embarrassing tracks on his iPod in case they ever came in handy on missions. Like today!
    In his other pocket, Zac had Leon’s latest and coolest invention – Assault Speakers. Loud enough to pierce the eardrums of anyone they’re aimed at, according to Leon.
    Even at a normal volume, Maria Vendetta has a piercing voice. Zac thought she sounded like a cat whose tail had been stood on, a million times in a row.
    The Assault Speakers come with a pair of soft earplugs to protect the ears of the operator. Zac squashed them into his ears. Then he hit play on his iPod.
    Zac turned up the volume on the Assault Speakers. He aimed them at the pirate ship.

    â€˜Eeeeeeeeeeeeee!’ sang Maria.
    Zac’s eyes watered. The Assault Speakers vibrated.
    And then Zac turned the volume up one more notch!
    â€˜OH, MAMMA
    The sound was unbearable!
    Zac grabbed his SpyPad and popped up the in-built telescope. On the deck of the pirate ship, a collection of rough-looking men were fighting over who would be lucky enough to escape below deck first. Every single one of the pirates had his fingers jammed in his ears.

    Obviously the pirates felt the same way about Maria Vendetta as Zac did.
    Up ahead, the tourist boat was gunning

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