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Book: Nightingale by Cathy Maxwell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cathy Maxwell
mother, her brother, and herself.
    She continued, “Cris suffers from the same affliction. He’s not as angry as Papa was, but it is slowly killing him. I must be there for him. And our debts . . . you can’t even imagine.”
    â€œI spoke to Cris,” Dane said. “I’m doing this right,” he explained at her look of surprise. “I asked your brother for your hand. He was, um, worse for wear from last night’s drink but reasonably in control of his senses, and we had a meeting of the minds. He knows he must change his ways or answer to me.”
    â€œI don’t know if he can,” she said honestly.
    â€œHe’s given his word. Jemma, he promised to give up the bottle. Do you believe he will?”
    Hope rose inside her. “Cris said that?” she demanded. At Dane’s nod, she raised a hand heavenward. This time, she didn’t fight back the tears. “I always prayed he would. I thought he could. It was just the weight of everything on his shoulders and the disappointments.”
    â€œHe and I still need to have some discussion about his future, but I was impressed. Years ago, when you and I were together, I liked Cris. He was a good lad and, by all accounts, took his studies seriously in school. Today, I saw remnants of the person he had once been, and I’m willing to put trust in that man. As to the debts,” Dane said, walking half the distance to her and stopping, “I believe I can afford you all now. Your mother will be put on a strict allowance, but I should be able to manage you.”
    The contradictory emotions of elation and alarm filled her. “Oh, Dane . . .” She crossed her arms against her chest. “You could do so much better than me.”
    He pretended surprise. “You are that extravagant?”
    She shook her head, not knowing whether to laugh or cry. He offered her so much, and she deserved none of it. “No, I’ve learned how to squeeze a shilling over the last years,” she admitted before adding with a touch of pride, “and I’ve grown up quite a bit.”
    â€œWe both have.” He dropped his hands to his side, his expression serious. “The only question I have, Jemma, is did you mean those words when you whispered you loved me last night?”
    Suddenly, she realized how vulnerable he was, how defenseless they both were to being hurt again.
    Jemma took her courage in her hands and said, “Yes.” There, she’d done it. She had declared herself. “What of you, Dane?” she dared to ask. “Can you forgive me? Can you love me?”
    â€œJemma, I never stopped loving you.”
    She flew to him then. Ran right to him and threw her arms around him, the sheet falling between them. They kissed, but this one was different than all the rest. This kiss was full of the promise of the future.
    â€œThen you’ll have me?” he asked when they finally broke for breath.
    â€œWith all my heart,” she answered.
    And so she did. Sir Dane Pendleton and Jemma, Lady Mosby married three weeks later on the first of May . . . and no couple ever appeared happier . . . or so much in love.

The Bride Says No
    What happens when a bride says no?
    He is the bastard son of a duke, arrogant, handsome, a little bit dangerous, and, of course, one of the most sought-after bachelors in London. He is also about to be publically jilted by some chit of a girl! Blake Stephens’ pride isn’t about to let him be humiliated, so he charges after his bride to the wilds of Scotland, determined to bring her to the altar.
    What happens when the heart says yes?
    He is promised to one woman, but discovers his soul stirred by . . . the chit’s sister! Lady Aileen Davidson’s reputation was ruined ages ago, which is why she’s buried herself in the country, but her fiery spirit and bold beauty threaten to bring Blake to his knees, making him wonder if

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