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Book: BigBadDare by Nicole Snow Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nicole Snow
headlong into fear. The adrenaline rush drowned my brain, so hard and sudden I shook in my restraints.
    “It's okay, Jessie. You look so beautiful when you're in my hands. And you are, all of you, safe and sound.”
    He reached behind my back and embraced me. His big muscles hovered over me, distracting me from the sharp discomfort with his lips.
    Each kiss sent its energy spiraling to my aching, sore nipples. Then a strange thing happened.
    Just like spanking, the pain began to lessen, giving way to a strange and surprising pleasure. My flesh sizzled, swelling around the clamps, a soft current beginning at his lips flickering through my whole body.
    He swallowed my moans. Sir's tongue stroked mine, wet and delicious. He pawed at my breasts, massaging them gently in his hands, fingering the chain connecting my nipples.
    Garrett's huge head rolled, separating from my lips. He aimed for that sensitive crook on the side of my neck. More licks, more nibbles, more lightning flashing at my core.
    The explosions made me tense. I jerked in my restraints, pulling at the straps.
    Even when I threw my full strength into it, they wouldn't budge. He had me tied down good, and there was no getting out of this without coming like an animal in heat.
    One hand went below my breasts and moved down. My soft globes rose and fell, jumping with my lungs. They'd fully adapted to the relentless bite digging at my tips.
    What the hell was taking him so long?
    “Please! I need to feel your fingers...there...” I licked my lips.
    Damn him, he was going to make me suffer for this orgasm. Suffer, just like that plus size sub downstairs, the screaming woman I now regretted seeing.
    “Patience. Good things come to those who wait, baby. They come hard.” He smiled, flicking his tongue against my ear.
    Shuddering, moaning, I held my ground. Sensitive flesh throbbed around the clamps, and then the pulse swept lower.
    By the time he finally reached my folds, I was slippery and swollen, achingly empty. His fingers split, gently caressing my mound, teasing the labia but never going in.
    No! I need you inside me. Fucking shove them in!
    I bared my teeth, growling with frustration. My little hands and feet beat against the restraints.
    Garrett smiled as his face went lower, kissing at my breasts.
    At last, his fingers found my clit. But he kept moving with that same slow, torturous pace.
    Firm and patient, he did laps around my pulsating switch, never truly pressing it. The energy building inside me felt like something waiting to explode.
    My senses blurred. I couldn't tell if those snarls and curses were just in my head now, or spitting out at him, frantically pleading for his fingers, his tongue, his cock.
    Anything to fuck me. Anything!
    Sir stood at the edge of the table, his hands pressed on my thighs. Then they were gone. He walked away as I hissed and rolled my head, stopping only to draw in hot, humid breaths.
    The whole table shifted. I thought it was my imagination – but no, it was really moving – lifting me up to him at a perfect angle.
    He came back to me naked. His cock arced up against his hard belly, its tip streaming pearly pre-come, potent and ready to fill me.
    “Sir...won't you take me now? I know you want to!” I moaned, clenching my jaw, forcing the delirium down my throat again.
    “I told you, Jessie. Patience.” He moved forward, waking me from the sex fever with new, hard kisses.
    Each kiss brought him closer, even though my tongue struggled against his. Soon, his cock was pressing against my flesh. My whole body rolled against his muscles in anticipation, drawn to his tattoos, his heat, his divine, primal power.
    “You really want to fuck, don't you?” He whispered, pausing to dig his teeth into my lip.
    He only let go so I could answer. “Need to!”
    Shit. I can't even form full sentences anymore. I've never needed anything this bad, Sir, and you know it!
    He knew a lot of things. His next kiss was longer and harder still.

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