A Million Wishes

Free A Million Wishes by Deanna Felthauser

Book: A Million Wishes by Deanna Felthauser Read Free Book Online
Authors: Deanna Felthauser
shaking his head. “He uh.. He lost the lower half of his left leg Miki. He had shrapnel all down his left side and burns along his leg and arm. Her sharp intake of breath brought his head up and went to her and pulled her into his arms hugging her tight. Miki cried, cried until she couldn’t cry anymore and just sat there limp in Callum’s arms, hiccupping and sniffling. “He’s already doing better honey. He’s awake and talking, he remembers what happened. Mrs. Cane said that he’ll be going through therapy while he’s still there in Germany, whatever it is the military does before they send a soldier home to recover. I think it’s something we need to really think about and try to be strong for him to help him through it. Being a SEAL was Noah’s life, all he ever wanted to do and now he’s going to be honorably discharged for medical reasons. I imagine he’ll be pretty lost for a while and we need to be strong and help him find his way.”
    Standing up and walking to the window her voice was so soft, raw from crying. “I love him Callum. But I can’t be what he needs.”
    “ Yes you can Miki. You two belong together, you have since the day we all met and got close. I know you been through hell baby girl, I know how bad you were hurt and used by Lucas but Noah is not Lucas. Noah is a man that has loved you forever and would kill for you. You know that baby girl. If anyone can help you get past the hellish part of your life before you moved in with me it’s Noah. And as far as that goes, if there’s anyone that can help Noah through the hell he’ll be going through it’s you. Remember that Miki. You two need each other.”
    She nodded and reached for some tissues and wiped her face. “Do you know if he lost any of his team?”
    “ He lost 2 men and at least another was injured and going to be discharged as well because he lost most of his arm. He’s going with Noah to see those guys families before they come home.”
    “ I need to go over and see his Mom today sometime. I imagine she is beside herself with worry.”
    “ I’ll go with you on the way to the funeral home baby girl. We can go ahead and get showered and dressed if you want and then head over there.”
    “ Ok, I’m going to go take a quick shower then.” She turned to walk away and quickly turned back around and hugged her brother tight.
    “ I love you Callum.”
    “ I love you too baby girl. To the moon and back.”
    A few hours later they were sitting in the parlor of the Sugar Hill Plantation waiting for Noah’s parents to join them.
    “ Oh, Mikayla! It’s so good to see you darlin’. Come here and give me a hug.” Noah’s mother Vivian wrapped her up in a loving hug and kissed her cheeks.
    “ It’s good to see you too Mrs. Cane, Mr. Cane.”
    “ Oh stop with that formal speak you know better than that, call me Vivi honey. Now you two come on over here and get comfortable. We have tea and cookies coming in just a minute. Callum I swear you get more handsome every time I see you darlin’.”
    “ Thank you Vivi, you are gorgeous as always.” Callum grinned at her and kissed her cheek. Walking over to Matthias and clapping him on the back affectionately. “Sir, it’s good to see you.”
    “ It’s good to see you too son. How are those kids of yours? I saw the lot of them at the pumpkin patch around Halloween with that pretty wife of yours. Man they are growing like weeds.”
    “ Yes Sir they are. The family is doing great though, thank you for asking.”
    “ You are a sight for sore eyes Mikayla.” Mr. Cane gave her a big bear hug and kissed her forehead.
    He looked so much like Noah it brought tears to her eyes. “I’ve missed you both. I’m sorry I haven’t visited more often. School and work keep me pretty tied up.”
    “ You don’t worry about a thing darlin’ girl. Callum keeps us up to date on how you’re

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