Dare to Dream

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Book: Dare to Dream by Donna Hill Read Free Book Online
Authors: Donna Hill
“I was in the bathroom.”
    Was he staring? He couldn’t be sure. But if he was, he didn’t care. She was food for the eyes and he was a starving man.
    “It was worth it,” he murmured, his voice deeper than normal as his gaze strolled over her body.
    Heat splashed over her and every nerve ending stood at attention. She remembered that look all too well. It was how he looked at her just before…
    “I…uh, I’ll wait in the truck,” he said, suddenly nervous and uncertain if he would be able to keep from stripping her naked and taking her right there and then if he didn’t get away quickly.
    Desiree blinked rapidly and held on to the door handle for support. Her thighs trembled and her nipples had hardened to sensitive peaks, blatantly announcing her instant arousal.
    How in the world was she supposed to get through spending hours with this man when her body went on high alert just at a glance from him?
    She shook her head to clear it, turned and picked up her straw bag from the bed. Well, if there was ever a time to run, it would be right about now, she mused. But the truth was she really didn’t want to.
    Desiree joined Lincoln at the truck and he nearly tripped over himself getting her door open and helping her inside. She thought it was cute.
    “So, did you get any rest?”
    “Not enough.” She laughed lightly.
    “Sorry for keeping you up so late,” he said as he made the turn and headed for the beach.
    “Oh, I’m not complaining. I…enjoyed it.”
    Lincoln stole a look at her. “So did I.” He paused and changed the direction of the conversation. “If you roll down your window you can hear the birds getting ready for the day.”
    Desiree pressed the button at her side and the window glided down. The smell of the ocean immediately filled the car, followed by what sounded like music.
    She turned to him and grinned. “Wow. Nothing like mornings on the beach. It’s beautiful.”
    “But not as beautiful as you,” he said softly.
    Desiree lowered her gaze. “Thank you.”
    Lincoln reached for the radio and turned it on before he said something else that was out of line.
    “Are all the cabins full?” she asked, needing to hear his voice and not that of the radio announcer.
    “Yes, our last guest arrived yesterday afternoon. Business has been pretty steady. It’s a busy time of the year.” He pulled to a stop. “Look.” He pointed toward the horizon. “That’s what I’m talking about.”
    The sun poked its head above the horizon, tossing incredible rays of dazzling color across the water. Behind it the sky was still inky in color but began to lighten by degrees as the ball of light slowly ascended and filled the sky. It was pure magic. And watching, one felt insignificant up against the awesome power of the Almighty.
    Desiree pressed her hand to her chest, overcome by the splendor before her. This vision was a testament, a clear indicator that each day was a blessing, a new beginning, a chance to start over.
    “Thank you, Lincoln,” she whispered.

Chapter 14
    T hey walked slowly along the beach, barefoot, carrying their shoes in their hands and talking softly as the world gently came to life around them.
    “When you’re not here, where are you?” Desiree asked.
    “Oh, I travel, check out new real estate opportunities. I haven’t really settled in one place in a long time. I do have an apartment in Manhattan.”
    She turned to him. “You do? I…we’ve never run into each other.”
    “I know. Even though Manhattan is only an island it’s a pretty big place, easy to get lost in.”
    She glanced down at her feet, watching the sand sift between her toes as they walked. “Did you know where I was?”
    “No. I stopped looking, as much as I didn’t want to.” He pulled in a breath and glanced at her. “I thought it was best. Was it?”
    She was thoughtful for a moment. “It’s what I said I wanted.”
    “Was it really, Desiree? Did you really want to erase me out of your life as

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