Healing Dr. Fortune

Free Healing Dr. Fortune by JUDY DUARTE

Book: Healing Dr. Fortune by JUDY DUARTE Read Free Book Online
it with a man-size portion, and offered it to him. As he opened his mouth, something wild and exciting rushed through her—set ting off a vision of the two of them sitting amid tangled sheets, romantic music on the radio, feeling both sated and hungry at the same time…
    Enough of that, she told herself. She’d be hungry for a lot more than sweets if she wasn’t careful. So she cut into a cannoli—were they really going to keep feeding each other?—and lifted the fork to his lips, offering him another taste and leaving a bit of whipped cream at the edge of his mouth.
    She reached out and wiped it away with her finger, but as their gazes locked, his hand grasped her wrist and her movements froze. As his face leaned toward hers,time slowed to a crawl and anticipation filled her to the brim.
    If she’d thought their last kiss had been breathtaking, she had a feeling that this one would be all that and more.
    And she was right.
    As their lips met and parted, his tongue swept inside her mouth, sending a heated rush to the most feminine part of her. She reached toward him, her fingers snaking through his golden-brown locks, drawing him closer and deepening the kiss.
    Passion flared, rocking her to the core. She couldn’t seem to get enough of him or his sweet, creamy taste. And she realized that if he took her hand, drew her to a stand, swept her into his arms and carried her to the bedroom, she wouldn’t have stopped him. She wouldn’t have even considered it.
    How could anything that started out so sweet and innocent burst into all-consuming desire?
    When the kiss finally ended—she wasn’t even sure who had come up for air first—her mind scrambled to get a grip on both her hormones and her emotions.
    What was going on between them?
    Was he feeling it, too—the heat, the passion?
    â€œI didn’t come over here to take you to bed,” he said.
    She almost wished that he had. And while she knew she ought to say something, her heart and mind were still spinning out of control.
    As she tried to gather her wits, which seemed to be areal struggle at the moment, a response to his comment failed her.
    â€œYou look a little uneasy,” he said.
    Heavens, no. She was just a little stunned and shaken, that was all. If this was what his kiss did to her, what would making love with him be like?
    â€œI…” She caught herself before she ended up rambling about how deeply that kiss had affected her, how badly she wanted to share another—and anything else he had in mind. “It just took me by surprise.”
    â€œI’m sorry if I was out of line.”
    â€œOh, no. Not at all. It’s just that…” She struggled for a moment over how to continue, but why beat around the bush and play games? Opting for honesty, she said, “Well, it was a little earthshaking.”
    Surely, he’d felt it, too.
    A grin splashed across his face. “I’d have to agree with you there.”
    This was probably the time to invite him to stay to dinner, but as the baby cried out, announcing naptime was over and drawing her back to reality, she couldn’t bring herself to do it.
    â€œI…uh…better get Anthony,” she said. “He’s going to want a bottle.”
    Talk about lousy timing.
    But maybe it was for the best. What she’d just shared with Jeremy had been the kind of thing that dreams were made of. And a fussy baby was sure to put a king-size damper on that.
    So could a surly brother, who might walk in at any time.
    â€œIs there something I can do to help?” Jeremy asked.
    â€œNot that I can think of.” How could she ask him to fix a bottle of formula or to check on Anthony and see if his diaper was wet—or worse?
    Talk about being jerked out of the dream world and thrust into reality.
    â€œI’ve got it,” she said, as she excused herself to get the baby.
    She just hoped that when she returned,

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