Devil Ash Disarray (Devil Ash Saga Book 3)

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Book: Devil Ash Disarray (Devil Ash Saga Book 3) by Mitchell Olson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mitchell Olson
attack with all three of his combatants and Ash watched the extra KP he’d only just gained deplete. He wasn’t in a good situation and would probably run out of KP in only two more turns. With a heavy heart he started his turn by drawing a new card.
    Ash exhaled a big sigh of relief. “I’ll use this crush card, "Hell Freezes Over". It freezes your side of the battlefield for one turn. I have to discard a card to use it, though."
    "Big deal," Vashi Tansa said. "I can destroy you any time I want. Your pesky stalling methods can't save you forever."
    It doesn't need to last forever , Ash thought. Just until I draw the card I really need!
    Since Ash's crush card prevented him from attacking this round, he changed strategy. With a concealed wicked grin, Vashi Tansa played a new card. “Even if I can’t attack, there’s other ways to hurt you. Take this crush card, “Firestorm Falling”, for instance. It reduces your KP by five-hundred. And on my next turn I’ll win when I wipe out the rest of your kingdom.”
    Ash could hear the conviction in his voice and knew he was probably right. The outcome depended on this next draw. He wasted no time in finding out the answer and picked up the next card on the top of his deck. Moment of truth , he thought just before looking at the card.
    Ash smiled. The tables were about to turn. “Good news,” he said. “The game isn’t going to end anytime soon. In fact, I’m about to show you something awesome.”
    “ What ?”
    Ash added a new card to his kingdom. “I’m doing a little redecorating in my kingdom. See, I’ve got this lovely “Tribute to Cupid” card. Want to know what it does?” The card depicted a large stone statue of the angel, Cupid.
    “Do not make this take any longer than it already must,” Vashi Tansa warned him.
    “I won’t keep you in suspense,” Ash replied. “I wanna get this over with just like you. My tribute allows me to summon a new combatant, Cupid, from my deck, so long as I have three Little Cherubs in my cemetery. Which I do.” Ash sifted through his deck until he found the right card. He laid it down on the table. “The “Archangel Cupid” is exactly what I needed to turn this game around. Are you familiar with the legend of Cupid?”
    “Of course! What is your point?” Vashi Tansa replied, agitated.
    “Great, then you shouldn’t be surprised by Archangel Cupid’s ability. Once per turn I can order Cupid to fire his arrow of love at one of your combatants and then I get to take control of that combatant for my turn!”
    Uh-oh , thought Vashi Tansa.
    “I think I’ll take your Archdevil Asmodeus, please.”
    The ref confiscated and passed the card to Ash.
    “Now I’ll attack your Flaming Sword Juggler with Cupid and Asmodeus.”
    Vashi Tansa’s combatant lost, and he discarded it to the cemetery pile. “ Done yet ?” he asked.
    “I’m just getting started! I’ve got one last play for my turn, and it’s a doozie . I’ve been waiting this whole time to use this card. I play “Ritualistic Suicide”, which sacrifices one of my combatants lives for some extra KP. Guess which combatant I’m picking.”
    “ My Asmodeus ?”
    “Bingo!” Ash said. “Do devils say bingo? Do you know what I mean by that? It’s Earth slang.”
    “ Yes I know what you mean !” Vashi Tansa barked. “You sacrificed my combatant to fuel your own kingdom points!”
    “So you see, in just one turn I’ve destroyed two of your combatants and completely changed the game. You were on top and about to crush me, and now we’re even. Isn’t this game awesome?”
    “I’m painfully aware of how tedious your deck is,” said Vashi Tansa. “But in the end none of this will matter when you lose.” Vashi Tansa added a new combatant to his army. “All I’ve got to do is kill Cupid. That will be easy with “Archdevil Beelzebub” in my army.”
    Vashi Tansa ordered his army to attack, and sure enough Ash’s Cupid card couldn’t hold out. Ash

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