Breaking Protocol (Firehouse Fourteen Book 3)

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Book: Breaking Protocol (Firehouse Fourteen Book 3) by Lisa B. Kamps Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lisa B. Kamps
was just something she felt .
    "It really wasn't that bad." CC felt some irrational need to downplay it. "It was just a handwritten note on a piece of poster board. I know what you did . Whoever left it splashed paint on it, making it look like blood."
    Tony's expression hardened, his blue eyes going cold as the muscle in his jaw ticked. He watched her in silence then shook his head, anger clear on his weathered face. "And this note was left on your back porch? In the middle of the night? While you were home?"
    Okay, so maybe it sounded as bad as it was. But she wasn't about to admit to Tony how much seeing it had rattled her. Yes, she could admit to herself it had freaked her out a bit. More than a bit. Someone had been next to her house, actually on her screened-in porch. And she hadn't even known. That freaked her out almost more than the note itself.
    "I think maybe you should stay away from this guy. Sounds like he's deep into something you want no parts of."
    "Not happening." CC shook her head, just in case Tony didn't understand the words. Her partner could be stubborn when he wanted to be. "I like him. Besides, I'm kind of already involved, since it was my house and all."
    "Then get uninvolved. What kind of guy would willingly drag a woman into his trouble? Not one you want to be with, I'll tell you that much."
    "Tony, it's not like that. From what he said, he's been getting text messages for eight months, and this is the first time anything like this has happened."
    "Yeah, from what he said. You don't know what he hasn't been telling you. For all you know, this guy could be doing it himself. Or something."
    "He's not."
    "And how do you know that? Wait, let me guess, you just do."
    "Knock it off. And don't make fun of me and my feelings. Sometimes I do just know."
    "One of these days, you're going to be wrong. And then what?"
    "Then I use my .45 and won't have to worry about it."
    "You know, sometimes I think you just have a death wish. You're not happy unless your courting trouble or danger or whatever the hell it is that gets your blood pumping."
    CC narrowed her eyes at him, letting him know that they were not having this conversation. Again. Yes, she liked adventure. No, she didn't have a death wish. She had been there, done that, had no desire to go there again, thank you very much.
    Tony narrowed his own eyes at her, starting one of their occasional staring matches, two strong-willed people not daring to give an inch. Fortunately, her phone rang, giving her an excuse to look away.
    "It's Rob. I've got that information you asked for."
    "Bubby! Wow, that was fast."
    Her brother's heavy sigh came through the phone and she could clearly imagine him rolling his eyes. Or reaching up to pinch the bridge of his nose. Or both.
    "Stop calling me that. I'm not twelve anymore. And neither are you." He paused. "Carolann."
    CC scowled into the phone then pushed away from the table. She didn't want to have this conversation in front of Tony. And she didn't want to get into a game of one-upmanship with her older brother so she ignored his use of her full name, spoken with an exaggerated drawl.
    "Tell me what you got." CC walked out of the hangar and squinted in the bright sun, then pulled her sunglasses down to shield her eyes.
    "Tell me again who this guy is to you."
    CC rolled her eyes. "A friend."
    Silence greeted her answer and CC did her best not to huff in impatience. If Bubby's heavy sigh was any indication, she hadn't been very successful.
    "Hm. Well, your friend is squeaky clean. Nothing in here that you wouldn't have been able to find out yourself. Exemplary service record, a couple of commendations. Honorable discharge from the Reserves, came out as an E6. Nothing out of the ordinary." She heard the sound of his fingers clicking against a keyboard in the background. "You going to tell me again why you wanted me to check?"
    "Just curious, that's all."
    "Wouldn't have anything to do with those police reports

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