gifted program, even if it was in grade school. Point being, I'm not stupid. But even after I translated the letter into understandable language, it still didn't make complete sense. Not the kind of sense that a sensible person would have anyway.
I'd already e-mailed my dad about my latest challenge, telling him that it might blow over but to be prepared just in case it didn't. So he sent me the name and fax number of his attorney inL.A. I didn't waste any time getting these papers faxed. And now I'm trying to forget about it. Except that every time I see that big yellow envelope sitting on the bureau, it seems to be yelling, “Hey, look at me. Pay attention to me. I'm big and mean, and I plan to destroy you!” Okay, that's a dramatization, but it's how I feel.
Still, I'm trying to focus on the positives. I am going car shopping with Uncle Allen and Kim tomorrow (she wants in on the act too). And I'll begin my new job on Monday, working for the woman who impressed me the most. Her name is really Jacqueline, but she goes by Jackie. And she was a good friend of my aunt. But she seemed to like me—for myself. So really, other than this lawsuit mess, life is good.
Maya's Green Tip for the Day
It's not easy to understand the latest eco-options in cars. So here are some pointers. A hybrid (like a Prius) is a self-charging, low-emission car that combines a gasoline engine with electric power to increase mileage. Alternative fuels are renewable resources like corn ethanol or vegetable oils combined with mineral fuels like gas, diesel, or even natural gas. Hydrogen fuel cells (still in development) use an electrochemical reaction, and the “exhaust” is simply H 2 O. Electric plug-in or hybrid plug-in simply means your car must be recharged by connecting to a household current. But that uses up electricity. What I'm looking forward to is all-electric cars that will have solar batteries that can be recharged from the sun. Cool, huh?
June 22
I feel perfectly miserable today. I know I should feel happy—I got a car yesterday. Okay, I wish I could've found something even better than a Toyota Prius (for greenness), but in this town it was the best we could do. For all I know it's the best we can do anywhere. And really, that's not why I'm bummed. I totally love my new car. It's silver and sweet and gets awesome gas mileage and has low emissions. And thanks to Dad, it's paid for. I mean, totally paid for. I had no idea that he planned to pay for the whole thing. I figured I'd have to chip in. But like I said, I think he's making up for some old things. Oh, well. The only fly in the ointment (as far as my car goes) is that I don't want Dominic to think I'm a copycat. Especially because I've admired the Prius since it first came out. It even won Green Car of the Year not long ago. Still, that is not why I'm miserable.
In fact, I was totally euphoric after we got my car. A car that, I'm happy to say, Uncle Allen and Kim both enthusiastically endorsed. Kim said it was like a miracle because we'd been looking for hours, and none of the lots seemed to have any, and then the last place we went just happened to get one in. It had beenordered, and then the buyer changed his mind. I say, too bad for that dude. So anyway, I was feeling pretty great as I drove Kim and myself home. We had the satellite radio on, and we were singing along, and I thought this was how life should be!
To make life even sweeter, I offered to drive to youth group last night. Of course, that meant Nat was going with us too. But I thought, oh well, now she'll hear about the great job I got. Which she did. And she was properly shocked and maybe even a little bit jealous since she works at the same mall but in one of those cheesy stores where only grandmas shop. But I just acted like no big deal. And she didn't say much. So maybe the rest of my evening was one of those things…the pride-comes-before-a-fall kind of thing. I'm not sure. Looking back, I think that