Endless Knight (The Arcana Chronicles)

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Book: Endless Knight (The Arcana Chronicles) by Kresley Cole Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kresley Cole
She needs the sun. Her power is collaborative—some cards are more dependent on the environment than others.”
    Keen to get the attention off of me, I said, “And what are your weaknesses?”
    “Isn’t it obvious?” Selena pointed to her thigh quiver, which held one real arrow and two makeshift ones. She’d been trying to replenish her supply, but, as she’d explained, there wasn’t any green wood to carve new ones from.
    I supposed I could help her with that—open a vein, coax a sapling to life—but I didn’t yet trust her enough to weaken myself just to make her stronger. And it wasn’t like I had a lot of juice on tap.
    Just as Matthew had warned, my powers continued to deteriorate in this rain.
    “Eventually, I will always run out of arrows. Then I have to depend on my enhanced speed, endurance, and grace.”
    Rolling my eyes, I picked up the Devil Card. “So, this is Ogen, a.k.a., El Diablo. He allies with Death. He’s got horns and hooves like a goat man, but his body is all ogre—with superhuman strength. His call? I’ll make a feast of your bones .”
    “Ogen, the ogre?” Finn raised his brows. “Really?”
    I shrugged. “I don’t make the news, I just report it.” I picked up the Judgment Card next. “You guys have met Gabriel as well. He can strike like a missile from above.”
    Selena added, “And he’s got animal senses. That’s why it’s sodangerous that he’s hooked up with Joules. Gabriel can scent us even through Finn’s illusions, then Joules could just wait up on some vantage, pointing and shooting, picking us off.”
    Strengths and weaknesses. I needed to ask Matthew what could take me out, besides the Touch of Death.
    Finn sniffed to Selena, “Hide you with my illusions?”
    I’d seen Survivor alliances tighter than mine.
    He asked me, “What happens if one of us bites it due to natural causes?”
    I didn’t remember the answer, so I waved to Selena.
    “The Arcana closest to you gets your icon.”
    “What happens to the losers?”
    Selena answered him, “They’re reborn, with no memory of their past lives. Well, except for him.” She pointed at Matthew. “The Fool sees everything. That’s what makes him crazy.”
    Matthew nodded happily at her.
    Directing a scowl her way, I shuffled through some more cards, but Finn stayed my hand over one. “Wait, I’ve seen this guy.” His face paled.
    “The Hierophant?” The image was of a robed figure giving a blessing to his kneeling followers. They all had milky white eyes. I handed Finn the card.
    In a hushed tone, Matthew said, “Hierophant. He of the Dark Rites.”
    I remembered Gran warning me about him: He’s a charmer, Evie, a spellbinder. Never look him in the eyes. You are vulnerable to him. And he’s not the only one. “My grandmother told me he can control your mind to make you commit monstrous acts. Once you do, you’ll be enslaved forever—even after his death, you’ll keep doing whatever it is he wanted from you. The monstrous acts vary each game.” Having been brainwashed in a nuthouse, I had a particular dread of mind control.
    Eyes locked on the image in his shaking hand, Finn said, “He was with the cannibals. I think I can guess what the monstrous act is. He’s making people eat human flesh.”
    “No one needs to force people to eat others.” Jackson was joining inthe conversation? “In case you haven’t noticed, there’s no food in these mountains. None.”
    We were going on months of empty grocery stores and zero crops growing. Few animals were alive to be hunted.
    His voice a whisper, Finn said, “These particular cannibals feed . . . on the living. Not just raw. Living. Monstrous enough for you?”
    No. No way.
    Finn looked at Matthew, his gaze haunted. “These Arcana are sick, and they aren’t just fighting each other. What the hell is the point of our existence?”
    Matthew glanced up, startled. “Point? Cachet. We are champions of the gods!”
    “Gods?” I croaked, peering

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