Lion And The Falcon (Furry United Coalition)

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Book: Lion And The Falcon (Furry United Coalition) by Eve Langlais Read Free Book Online
Authors: Eve Langlais
you’ve got everything under control, so if that’s all…” He yawned, stretching his jaw wide.
    “ You won’t give in, will you?”
    A long-suffering sigh escaped her. “I should let you go by yourself. It would serve you right if you got eaten.”
    “But, it would look bad on my service record. Thanks a lot for leaving me no choice. Let’s go, Sylvester.”
    “I thought we’d gotten past the name calling.”
    “Not when you act like that idiot cat on TV.”
    “I resent that. I don’t lisp.”
    “Keep talking like an idiot and you’ll sing soprano.”
    “Testy. Testy. See what happens when you don’t take time for a nap ?”
    “ The things I do for ASS,” she muttered.
    “Is that what this is about? You can have my ass anytime, unless you mean literally. I’m not into that kind of kink.”
    “I think fatigue is making you stupid. ASS as in… You know what, forget it. Just get your hairy carcass in the car so I can drive you home. I wouldn’t want you to fall asleep behind the wheel.”
    “ Liar. You just want to drive my car again.”
    A hint of a smile curled her lips, and it struck Nolan how pretty she looked. “It is a sweet ride. But, no, this has more to do with making sure your stupid feline butt doesn’t get taken off guard by one of the psychos.”
    “Whatever. Let’s go.”
    Leaving Peter to direct as the three -shifter-strong cleaning crew arrived, Nolan followed the bossy bird out to his car. It occurred to him for a moment to argue that he should be the one driving his car. But, the lure of a nap appealed more. And besides, he quite enjoyed her rigid annoyance when he used her thigh as a pillow. He enjoyed even more the scent of her musk enveloping him as he breathed against her. Her body, willing or not, liked him, now he just needed to work on her mind.

Chapter Five
    Watching from a few houses down, he couldn’t hear what they said, but he saw the doctor exit the house of that nurse. How disappointing to find no one at home. But then again, he’d never enjoyed frog legs, even when cooked. The ribs helped with some of his hunger, but lacked a certain liveliness to them.
    Ey eing the doctor and his female friend, he’d bet they’d taste much yummier. Even better than popcorn, but not possible for the moment. Off they zoomed in a fancy car. I used to have a nice car like that once upon a time. And a handsome face.
    Until Mastermind stole it all.
    He didn’t know what irked more, the fact he hungered no matter how much or what he ate, or discovering Mastermind was already dead, which meant he wouldn’t get the revenge he dreamed of.
    Robbed! Robbed of a chance for vengeance. What was he to do? Someone had to pay. Someone owed him for the travesty done to his life and once beautiful face. If he couldn’t kill the culprit then he needed to go after the source. Science. Science was to blame for what befell him. Science and doctors who thought nothing of playing God with people like him.
    Kill all the doctors and there’d be no more victims. Stupid medical practitioners, thought they knew it all and flaunted their status every chance they got. Just look at Dr. Manners with his fancy car and good-looking girlfriend. He was the one who let Mastermind get to him. He was the one who failed to cure. The one who still had it all while he was forced to scrounge for scraps and hide in shadows.
    No more.
    He’d found the nurse easily enough via the Internet from the phone he stole. He’d find the good doctor as well. Find him. Punish him. Eat him. And then take what he deserved.
    Right after he found some more popcorn. Those darned ribs he ate dipped in HP sauce weren’t sitting well in his poor distended tummy. Oops. Not in his tummy anymore. Someone would get a surprise when they got up in the morning.

Chapter Six
    Clarice couldn’t help but glance with irritation —and bemusement—at the golden-haired male using her lap as a pillow. This

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