Taught: A City's Secrets Novella

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Book: Taught: A City's Secrets Novella by B. B. Hamel Read Free Book Online
Authors: B. B. Hamel
sighed. No use fighting it. He’d bug me until I told him. And despite all that, he was still my best friend.
    “It’s the girl from last night.”
    He nodded sagely. “As I thought.”
    “That’s it?”
    “What else did you want?”
    “Just expected you to ask if I ‘hit that’ or something.”
    He snorted. “Look dude, ever since that Amy chick broke your heart, you’ve been moping around. I’m just happy to see you getting out there again.”
    “George, that was surprisingly mature.”
    He grinned at me. “Don’t get used to it. I’ll want all the gross details eventually.”
    The problem was that I still wasn’t sure there would be any details to tell him. It was true that I’d already crossed a line the night before, but it still wasn’t too late to back out. We weren’t exactly in a relationship, and we hadn’t done anything we couldn’t move passed. Sure, there was a strong attraction, and we had kissed, but we were adults. Kissing didn’t mean we were getting married.
    “Nothings on,” George mumbled.
    “Go to your own apartment then,” I said.
    “Nah man, waiting on that call still.”
    I shook my head. I couldn’t believe the idiot met a guy from Sub Pop but was too drunk to remember anything about what the guy said. I was glad George had come over early, though, because I didn’t want to rely on him giving me all the details. I wanted to hear the guy for myself, or at least George’s side of the conversation.
    I stretched my legs out. I was sitting in a chair in the living room while George was sprawled out on the couch. My apartment was in a decent neighborhood, but it wasn’t anything to speak of: one couch, one TV, a small kitchen, small bathroom, and a tiny bedroom. It was the best I could afford without being in constant debt.
    My phone buzzed, and I looked down.
    11:15am Emma: what do you teach again? Sorry, I can’t remember
    11:16am Me: why, planning on taking my class?
    11:16am Emma: haha no, I think my friend does though
    11:17am Me: intro to music theory. who’s your friend?
    11:18am Emma: her name is Nicole, and she’s definitely in your class.
    My stomach dropped. I had a Nicole in my class, and they were probably the same year. I could never be sure though. I could feel panic well up in my chest as I imagined Emma telling Nicole about the night before, and Nicole freaking out. What if she told an administrator? My teaching job would be over and done with in a second.
    11:18am Emma: and before you freak out, I’m not mentioning last night.
    I stared at that text. I guessed Emma understood my predicament, and didn’t want to jeopardize my position. She was being surprisingly cool about it, actually. She had every right to tell whomever she wanted, and I would never try and control what she did and didn’t do.
    11:20am Me: thanks, I appreciate that. I know Nicole, she’s a good student. How did that even come up, if you don’t mind me asking?
    11:22am Emma: she mentioned she had a cute music teacher, and I figured it was you.
    11:22am Me: seriously?
    11:23am Emma: hahaha no sorry. she just mentioned having a test in your class and used your name, so I figured I’d ask.
    11:24am Me: ouch. well that’s a funny coincidence.
    I felt a little at a loss in that moment. Somehow, her knowing someone in one of my classes made things much more serious. I didn’t want to completely freak out, at least even more than I already was, but I felt out of control.
    Above all, I was torn.
    Although I loved my job, Emma was the first girl I was remotely interested in since Amy Woodall had rejected me. I thought I was in love with Amy, really in love, more in love than I ever had been before. But looking back on it, the only reason I professed anything to her was because she had left the café and was dating someone new. In contrast, Emma struck me immediately as someone I wanted to get to know. Amy had been like that, but I never really tried to pursue it beyond a friendship. I had

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