The Cowboy's Redemption: BWWM Billionaire Western Romance

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Book: The Cowboy's Redemption: BWWM Billionaire Western Romance by Christin Jensen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Christin Jensen
out of marble, and a body to match, Melinda had been more than prepared to get him treated, get him better, and get him the hell out of there.
    Sure, things didn’t always go according to plan, but she was far too prepared to push…
    She just never expected for someone to pull back.

Chapter 2
    “Alright, Hara, give me the rap.”
    “Got us a real cowboy this time, Reese. Thirty year old male, just checked in after being in pretty bad car accident, got it pretty bad considering he was also the only survivor. He’s got a broken arm, Roger’s last said it looked like he even had a few broken ribs and may be in danger of dealing with a collapsed lung. He’s got a fractured sternum and a shard of glass very nearly ripped his jugular in half.”
    “Yeah,” Hara huffed a snort of amusement that was less amused and more incredulous. “You should see the other guy.”
    Melinda scowled as her strides elongated the closer she got to the E.R. “I’d rather not. What’s he being treated with?”
    “Serious anesthesia for the broken bones, EMTs had a problem trying to keep him quiet on the way here. Wouldn’t stop screaming. He’s stabalized, but that’s sporadic right now.” Chart in hand, Melinda’s eyes scoured over the pages of crucial information. The accident happened only forty minutes ago, and that was nearly enough to make her face remain glued in a dark expression of focus. She was very nearly running by the time she got within the E.R.
    A cacophony of noises treated her as soon as she walked in. The E.R had never been a place where one could walk easily. There was always someone screaming, someone groaning, someone bleeding, someone puking… and on and on and on. Of course, in the chaos that consisted the E.R especially after such a pronounced accident occurred on the news, Melinda had wondered shortly if she’d be able to find her patient through the thick tide of patients of other accidents, false alarms, and the occasional hypochondriac that always found a reason to check in even when they were nowhere near the accident.
    “Can someone please get Ted out of here?” Melinda snapped when she found the hospital’s reknown false cheiromegaly.
    “Doctor Reese, something’s wrong with me!” came the tell-tale cry from the older man.
    “I’m sure there is, Ted.” Melinda said, forcing a quick professional smile over her lips that probably looked more like a snarl than anything. Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted one of the E.R nurses, and with a swift snap of her fingers, Melinda called her over. “Wanda! Could you get him out of here? He’s going to start making a scene and the last thing is another false alarm.”
    Just moments after Melinda managed to have the man taken out of the E.R, she spotted her patient. Several nurses were already on hand, one of them pressing a large wad of gauze to the man’s blood soaking neck. The gurney had just recently paused in its travels, no doubt awaiting her for consult while a junior doctor was taking rapid information into a file that would be added to their patient’s chart.
    “Doctor Reese!” She met her junior’s eyes with a swift nod, and she held up a hand to keep him from running in her direction. He was so hilariously prone to tripping that right now was certainly not the time.
    “Why isn’t he being taken to the O.R, Flint?” Melinda demanded without ceremony.
    The young doctor gave her a desperately anxious look, “It’s overstocked, Doctor. There was another accident prior to this one, it was a doozy.”
    Melinda nearly smacked herself in the forehead. There was a myriad of things she wanted to do to her junior and smacking him was climbing up rather speedily to the top. “Doctor Flinnegan, please memorize the hospital’s floorplan ASAP, for the love of god. Haven’t I already told you to stop listening to Richards? Jesus. I need a small team! Get this man to the O.R, now!”
    A flurry of nurses appeared

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