Brothers in Blue: The First Love Match

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Book: Brothers in Blue: The First Love Match by Jayna Concepcion Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jayna Concepcion
He was rubbing her back the same way when she moaned again John pushed her backwards so she was lying on the blanket.  He lay down beside her again and kissed her.  Now his free hand was working its way under her shirt and Ariel sighed in contentment when he found her right breast and then her nipple with his fingertips.  He was being soft and gentle with his fingers, exploring her and testing her to see if she would stiffen or moan or sigh into his mouth.  Ariel had started rubbing his chest under his shirt as well but now she wanted to feel him against her.  She sat up a little to take off her shirt and reached back up to take off his. John seemed surprised, but he stopped moving and let her pull his shirt off over his head.  She still had her sports bra on, but she pulled him down to her so she could feel his skin against hers.  It felt amazing.  The light spattering of hair he had on his chest felt rough and masculine against her soft skin.  Ariel found herself spreading her legs just a bit so John could lay in between them and be as close to her as possible.  After a few minutes Ariel reached down to the buckle on his belt and John froze above her.
                  “No, Ariel, not here.”
                  “Why not? I want you and I know that you want me.”
                  “It’s just not the right time, you deserve better than this and anyone could come walking up on us.  We both have to work in the morning and all I want to do is stay here just like this with you.”
                  “But you won’t.”
    Ariel was already looking for her shirt that she had casually flung behind her head a little while ago. She knew this routine with John.  It wasn’t fair that he got to shut things down whenever he felt like it, shouldn’t she have some say in these things?”
                  “I don’t think it’s fair that you get to decide when the right time is or isn’t.  I’m not a little kid and I can make my own decisions, you aren’t the big bad wolf coming to get me.  So stop doing that.”
    Without waiting for John to reply Ariel got up and headed for the truck.  She briefly thought it would be more dramatic if she just started walking home on her own, but that would be childish and it was almost 4am.  Trekking back to her place meant walking through some pretty bad parts of Tampa, not that John would let her get that far, but it didn’t seem like she should keep getting mad about everything, even though he was really doing a good job at pissing her off lately.
    The doors to the truck were locked, of course, so Ariel had to wait for John to come and open her door for her.  He threw the blanket in the back of the truck bed and walked over to her door. Gathering her into his arms he kissed her, and she responded. 
                  “I’m sorry, sometimes I can be a little old fashioned about things, but I don’t want you to ever regret being with me. I also don’t want things to move too fast, but I think its obvious that I want you very much.  Be a little patient with me please.”
    Ariel felt her heart melt a nd nodded. Opening her door John helped her up into the passenger seat and slid her seat belt over her chest kissing her on the neck before buckling it. 
                  “So you’re off on Wednesday, right?”
                  “No, I agreed to pick up half a shift for someone whose coming in late, I’ll be at work until around 8 or 9 depending on when they come in.”             
                  “Why don’t you bring Bruno over when you’re done?  When I get home we could order a pizza, unless you feel like cooking for me again.”
                  “I think I could make you dinner again, as long as you do the dishes.”
                  “Alight, it’s a date, just give me a call when you’re on your way over and I’ll

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