Mistletoe & Murder

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Book: Mistletoe & Murder by Laina Turner Read Free Book Online
Authors: Laina Turner
Tags: Suspense, Chick lit, Mystery, Women's Fiction, holiday
so in love with Ashley. He said she was the woman he wanted to marry, which for him was huge. He had never been a big one for commitment. I can’t imagine what could have happened, but I wasn’t going to push him. At least right now.
    A few minutes later in the kitchen, my mother whispered, “You need to figure out what’s going on with your brother.”
    “Mom, he said he doesn’t want to talk about it. I can’t force him.”
    “Sure you can, you’re his sister.”
    “You’re his mother; he’s supposed to listen to you. Why do I have to be the bad guy?”
    “Just find out.”
    My mother drove me crazy sometimes. She was the one who was the nosiest but liked to pretend she wasn’t by getting me to ask.


    Everyone was enjoying family and food when there was a knock on the door.
    “Wonder who that could be, everyone is here,” my dad said opening the door. “Oh hi Brian, what brings you here on Christmas Eve? Please come in.”
    It was Brian, my ex boyfriend from high school. We were still friends although the friendship had been a long time in the making, so I wasn’t all that surprised he stopped by. I stood and gave him a hug, then he shook Cooper’s hand.
    “Can I get you something? Spiked eggnog, some pie?” My dad asked.
    “No. I actually came to talk to Pres.”
    “Come on into the kitchen; it will be quieter in there,” I said motioning him into the kitchen, where we and sat at the table, which was full of desserts. Not good for my willpower. “So what’s going on?”
    “I need your help.”
    “Is something wrong?”
    “Someone is stealing tools from my shop. I only have one employee, Tommy Jackson, and I trust him, but I don’t know who else it could be, and I hate to judge but his brother has been in and out of jail. No one else has access. Even if it is him, I hate to accuse him without proof, and I’m not sure how to get it.”
    “I’m not sure how I can help, but Cooper and I can stop by tomorrow afternoon. I know it’s Christmas, but after lunch I am sure we will need a break for all the family togetherness.”
    “That would be great Presley. I would really appreciate it.”
    “Are you sure I can’t get you some pie or eggnog?”
    “No, I can’t stay. I’m on my way to mom and pops. Your mom had just mentioned to me the other day you would be here.”
    “Ok, well tell your parents I said hi and we will see you tomorrow. Merry Christmas, Brian.”
    “Merry Christmas to you too, Pres.”


    I heard a ringing. Was that my phone? I rolled over and grabbed it off the nightstand. Who was calling me at six in the morning on Christmas Day? I mean I loved Christmas, but I could wait until a more decent hour to celebrate it. “Hello,” I croaked out my vocal chords definitely not awake yet.
    “Presley, it’s Brian. I am so sorry to wake you, but you have to come to my shop, now!”
    “What’s wrong?” I asked sitting up in bed immediately worried. Brian was usually very calm and even keel, usually to a fault.
    “It’s Tommy, the guy I told you about last night who worked for me. He’s dead.”
    Now I was really awake. How did things go from Brian thinking Tommy might be stealing from him to Tommy being dead? “We’ll be right there! Make sure to call the cops.”
    “I already have.” I hung up and threw on some jeans and a long sleeve gray T-shirt and wrapped a black scarf around my neck. I was of the opinion that a scarf could add flair to any outfit no matter how boring. Plus it would help keep me warm. I looked at my hair; it was a fuzzy mess, partly from the dryness of winter and partly from sleeping on it, but that’s why they invented a messy bun for those of us not blessed with perfectly straight and healthy hair or those of us who were just lazy.
    I walked out of my room and across the hall to Jesse’s where he and Cooper were sleeping. I softly knocked, not expecting either of them to be awake, before I opened the door and walked in. As I figured

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